IronPatriot916 2 points ago +2 / -0

The constitutional United States flag signifies common law jurisdiction. The gold fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag which denotes Admiralty or martial law. ... Others have attempted to persuade the judiciary that fringe on an American flag denotes a court of admiralty.

IronPatriot916 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting.. a few minutes before 12 and they're all at the table laughing and having a good time while the American people (the dogs) look on from the sidelines ... Trump in the background giving a smile and a wink... These fuckers are caught and they truly believe they got away with it all.

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes the most sense considering bidens inauguration was supposed to be virtual with little to no attendance

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