Over the last month I’ve noticed a large increase in health problems from several people I know on various levels, all vaccinated. One issue I’ve specifically been hearing about is blood tests showing something wrong with their red/white blood cells.

While I’d like nothing more than to shake them and scream, “it’s the vaccine!!!!” Most of them wouldn’t be willing to hear it. I think there’s a chance one of them might listen, but another has stated publicly he isn’t interested in getting advice or counsel from anyone who isn’t a medical professional. Most of the others are putting their newfound problems down to “stress-related.” On top of that, my small business involves networking with many of these people. If I were to say something to the wrong person, my family and I stand to lose quite a lot.

I’m not really sure how to approach these situations except to pray for the people involved, but deep down I’m afraid it’s too late for them. How to avoid being swallowed by depression? Should I muster up the courage to say something to the one who might actually listen?


These guys are based af, they moved to Texas from Kentucky because they thought the restrictions in Kentucky were too great. They know just about everything there is to know about health and they were the ones who listened to my issues, ran appropriate tests, and diagnosed me with c diff and Ebv. I’ve been seeking answers for over ten years and I got them on my second call with these guys.

Needless to say, they aren’t traditional and don’t prescribe antibiotics, give vaccines, or anything that isn’t homeopathic. They also have a detox program for vaccinations (of any kind.) They work remotely too!

Rather than dealing with the heinous medical system and being bound by what insurance allows, they work out of pocket for a pretty reasonable rate considering what you get. I’m working with them to alter my entire diet and lifestyle and it’d be soooo much harder without their help, their nutritionists help, and the literature they’ve written out themselves.

This is their website:


Let me know if this post isn’t allowed, mods. I just want to get the word out because I know most feel like they don’t know which doctors to trust and I also know these guys are definitely on board for the great awakening!

I couldn’t recommend any doctor higher than this team. I probably won’t go to any other.


What has been predicted by the Bible, prophets, military intelligence, and other figures who are able to glimpse into the future?

A few suggestions I have are the project looking glass explanation by the high level insider:


Another is related to the deagel forecast, another intelligence asset:


Kim Clement prophecies as well, quite a rabbit hole indeed.

Would be great if someone else could give a rundown on revelation prophecies as I’m not nearly learned enough in them.


Hi all! Despite being unjabbed I find myself dealing with a slew of health issues I’ve had for at least a decade which I went over in my last text post. Finally, with the guidance of a great team of naturopathic health professionals (and thanks to my sister for referring me) I’ve taken the first steps toward changing my lifestyle in order to clean out my gut and body the organic way.

My diet is fairly balanced and I eat well, as I’m learning during this process. Overall it’s been less difficult than I made it up in my mind to be. In the last two weeks I have determined what my trigger foods are and I’ve had to cut out the usual suspects like wheat, cane sugar, cow’s milk, and chicken eggs, and it turns out: almonds, barley, oats, tomatoes, mushrooms, kale, kidney beans, cod, and black pepper.

Also taking tons of supplements and then charcoal before bed to help with die-off of bad bacteria. NO antibiotics for me.

I couldn’t imagine doing this program when I was drinking soda and eating fast food, a diet I was partly raised on.

I guess what I’m getting at with this post is that anyone can do what I’m doing. There’s an alternative for almost everything! Did you know maple syrup is a non-inflammatory sweetener alternative to sugar for things like coffee?

As our world becomes less healthy, go the other way. Treat your body the way society doesn’t want you to.


I’m a 29f and I’ve been in and out of urgent care, the ER, seen specialists over the course of 10+ years and nobody has been able to tell me anything outside of IBS. I assumed I had parasites, even thought I saw them sometimes, but every test I took came out negative, every treatment was ineffective.

Finally, last week, my results came back. I tested positive for C-diff and chronic Epstein-Barr Virus. These are both pretty serious conditions and I’ve had them for over a decade now but the doctor who found the issues is confident he’ll be able to resolve them without drugs.

Please send healing vibes, prayer, and any tips on overcoming these diagnoses. Also, if you’re going to trust a doctor to help you, make sure they trust YOU enough to listen to your experiences and take the extra steps necessary to get to the root of the problem! It took me ten years to find the right one and get answers. Knowing what the problem is is half the battle.


Is it possible that Roe V Wade overturning being leaked is a chess move to compel Soros’ minions into acts of domestic terrorism? I seem to remember Q mentioning domestic terrorism as one of the qualifiers for devolution and I can’t think of an easier way to do it than with Roe V Wade. It’s quite possibly the only thing more ~~controversial~~ than race.


Hey everyone!

Recently migrated pede out of Hawaii heading to a red state with good prospects. The only thing is… there are too many options!!!

We have narrowed it down to either Fort Lauderdale, FL or Dallas, TX.


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