ItsDevolutionBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree it’s not absolutely true with most of the population. I am a medical professional and did not get the vaccine. I was talking about my friends that are not in the medical field and many of my colleagues that are in the medical field. Those people that I work with and know who are techs, nurses, secretaries, mds, nps, pas, and they were aware of the possible adverse effects and still chose to get the vaccine. That is insane to me!

ItsDevolutionBaby 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s sad very sad and there will be more awful long term effects of people who received the vaccine. It is still a choice to get it or not. It’s a personal decision. I didn’t get it and I will never get it. I know lots of people who got it anyway and they were aware of all these awful vaccine adverse effects prior to getting the vaccine. They said this is a great country and look how medically advanced we are as a country that we can have 3 vaccines to fight this disease in about a year!

ItsDevolutionBaby 2 points ago +5 / -3

It seems that the only positive effect of the vaccine now is if you get covid-19 you will not become very sick. So if you are vaccinated you can still spread it to others and being that the vaccine makes COVID-19 weaker you essentially can spread it asymptomatically if you are vaccinated! Vaccines will not protect others, it will actually harm others. Essentially you get the vaccine to only protect yourself if you are truly afraid of covid-19!! It’s still a choice whether or not you want to get the vaccine!

ItsDevolutionBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the counties that I work in, the covid cases had been pretty steady since June 2020 up until earlier this year. That was essentially before the vaccines. However in Florida many people are moving here and also vacationing here since some of the country remained closed. I think this essentially kept the cases higher in Florida. After the vaccines were given to most people who wanted them, there was definitely a decrease in covid 19 patients coming to the ERs I work in. It was then sporadic. However there was a surge at the beginning of July 2021 and it continues and this is obviously still post vaccine. There are likely multiple factors responsible for the increase, but I believe it is something to do with the vaccine. Whether the vaccines don’t work at all, whether the immunity the vaccine gives you wears off, or whether the people who got the vaccine are mutating it and passing it to others or some combo of these I don’t know. Testing tents have closed around Florida and this is definitely bringing patients to the ER who now test positive for covid in the ER who normally would not have come to the ER!

Lastly, most of the people coming to the ER that have been admitted for covid-19 have not been vaccinated and are younger in general.

ItsDevolutionBaby 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work at an ER in Florida and we have been at capacity for over one year now. We have multiple admitted patients holding in the ER. The main reason is hospitals cannot staff the floors with nurses and techs because some left the profession or started traveling jobs for more money. There are open beds in Florida; however, there is a shortage of medical staff at some hospitals. Therefore, they close down some of these floors and it appears that the hospital is at full capacity when it was artificially created! Kind of like the pandemic!

ItsDevolutionBaby 2 points ago +3 / -1

I know something is odd about this latest influx of covid 19. As a medical professional working in the Emergency Department prior to the onset of the pandemic/through the pandemic/delta in three different counties in Florida, I can say this. At the end of June 2021, the number of covid cases that we were seeing daily in the ER was very low and sporadic. However, at the beginning of July 2021 something changed and out of nowhere covid was back with a vengeance! There was now a larger amount of covid patients coming to the ER and they seemed to be mostly of a younger age. When the pandemic first started last year mainly older adults were coming to the ER sick with covid. I do not know if this is true in all the counties of Florida. The surge is true in the counties I live in! But what changed? What’s causing it? The vaccines, the tests, or both?

ItsDevolutionBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

It should have been given EUA since it is safe and did show possible benefit. This is a link for a case study where a patient was on ECMO for 79 days and then received leronlimab. They are delaying it or trying to keep it hidden.


ItsDevolutionBaby 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s the severe illness that is important, most cases are mild/moderate. They are currently doing stage 3 clinical trials in Brazil. The FDA can say whatever it wants to say. With regards to the critically ill patients, the drug improved mortality over the placebo/Standard-of-Care arm by 78% after 7 days, and 82% after 14 days.

There were a few mistakes whether intentional or not in the FDA statement. For CD12 study the FDA wrote “also failed to find any effect of the drug on the primary study endpoint… or on any of the secondary endpoints.” This is simply not true. Mortality at 14 days of treatment for the critically ill was a secondary endpoint. Leronlimab’s mortality figures for the critically ill at 14 days were an 82% improvement over the Standard-of-Care arm of the study. This is a huge effect. But the FDA wants you to think there is no effect.

The FDA also would not let the trial give four total doses (once per week) over one month. Instead the FDA allowed them to give only two doses. Again this is why the 28 day mortality rate was not significant in the small trial and a larger trial will be completed.

The FDA essentially changed the design study to alter the results. They then played down the potential of the drug in a dog and pony statement!

ItsDevolutionBaby 5 points ago +5 / -0

ADE/cytokine storm after receiving the vaccines leading to ICU admission and even death is currently in trials and has shown some success. The medication is leronlimab. Do some reading on it from multiple sources and you will see what I am talking about!

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