My mom still has an account. She just posted some test posts using covid, corona, etc… and their little “COVID-19 facts” disclaimer no longer comes up…..

Let’s goooooooooo?

Edit to add:

2343 Oct 04, 2018 9:25:27 PM EDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 747524 No. 3337502 3337425

Memes ready? Q

(Thanks u/blacksmith21 !!!)


My mom has an account and just posted a few test posts using covid, corona virus, etc…. Their disclaimer with the “COVID-19 facts” no longer appears…….

Fire up the meme cannons?


(To begin: schools should absolutely be open. But there should be no testing, no masking and no coerced injections. That’s unfortunately not the world we currently live in.)

I am in Maryland. My kids are in 8th and 10th grade. For the last half of last year the schools did a hybrid schedule, half virtual and then some students rotated going in-person. I chose for my kids to stay in virtual mainly because I refuse for them to be masked, especially my asthmatic daughter. Both virtual and in-person were taught by the same teachers, simultaneously. (So I got to hear/see their teachers yell at the in-person kids that they needed to keep their masks on and berate them for even drinking water because they were “only drinking to take their masks off….”).

It should have stayed that way. But, instead they changed it to in-person and then having a small virtual program, taught by different teachers. They gave a small window of time to choose and you had to sign up by the end of June. Everyone else was put on a waiting list, which ended up to be crazy long. I could see the writing on the wall from this decision alone. Bait-and-switch was coming. (but they also had to put an end to parents seeing into the classrooms….)

I enrolled my kids in a virtual homeschool program. We couldn’t be happier. They both still have their sports for socialization but they are also older.

My sister still had my niece and nephews in-person. They are younger than my kids and I understand but have been warning her that it would get ugly.

She had already decided that she would not be giving consent for the testing (or the injection, of course) but she finally received the form yesterday and learned the repercussions: students will be tested at random; if no consent, it will be marked as an automatic positive test result and the student will be forced into a 14-day quarantine, with no virtual option.

Her oldest, a middle-schooler, often does not feel well in school (obviously due to the masks because he’s fine at home). She’s already gone to pick him up a few times this year. But he always texts her instead of going to the nurse because he knows they will push to test him (this is even before they knew of the above protocol). A kid can’t even go to the nurse with a headache without being tested.

They want these kids masked and injected (and constantly tested). The walls are closing in, all by design.

Another note: her school district received the largest amount of Rona funding for our state: approximately $458,000,000!!!!! Where did all that money go?????? (We already know….) They are really short on buses and drivers; they already started combining middle and high schoolers, and everyone is getting home super late but then the county asked parents last week to consider allowing older students to use PUBLIC BUSES to get home.


We are ready to get started (for our horses, of course!) So much information has been posted already but search function doesn’t work!

Can you all give us some guidance?

Edit to add: We do have horses and are familiar with Ivermectine. Just looking for guidance on dosage and frequency of use in humans.

Multiplying weight by 1.5 seems to be the consensus (but have seen that’s not necessary?).


I’m about an hour west of DC. We do have a military base close by, so we do see military helicopter traffic..... but not like this.

They have been circling all morning.

I keep thinking about the announcement yesterday that “training exercises” were going to be going on in DC today.

Maybe it’s nothing... but thought I’d share, just in case.

(Oh, and here they come again!)

Update: STILL circling. This has been going on for a few hours now........

Second update (1:00pm est): STILL happening but they’ve moved over a bit and are no longer flying directly over my house.....

Third update (4:00pm est): It’s going on about 2 hours since I’ve seen/heard anything. Might be over, whatever the hell was going on..... Would love an explanation!


Sauce in comments because I can’t link here for some reason...