J6ArrestedVeteran 2 points ago +2 / -0

In 2003, after joining the Army in 2001, I defended the Ministry of Oil. The Iraqi Dinar was taken and "exchanged" for Dinar without Sadam's Face on it. I was young and dumb at the time and didn't realize till later that the exchange was for Rothschild Dinars and it was the installation of a Central Bank to rob Iraq of it's wealth... Us U.S. soldiers have been played for fools... At least more soldiers are coming to realize this than the Veterans of past wars...

J6ArrestedVeteran 11 points ago +12 / -1

How many "dead fish" does it take for this story to be questioned by the general public?

  1. The kid who announced in chat that he shot his grandmother and was going to shoot the school

  2. School had approved AI that is supposed to Identify possible shooters

  3. He was in a discord channel with 6 ppl (all working for the FBI) before the shooting.

  4. His socially media was immediately scrubbed and never mentioned by the media.

  5. He was shooting nextdoor for 12 minutes which put the school in lockdown.

  6. After which a teacher at the last minute decides to prop open a door.

  7. Of all the doors the school has he picks that one door to enter.

  8. 18 yr old in a poor household has over $50k of weapons, equipment and a new truck.

  9. Had guns you can't get unless you are military/police.

  10. Guns he can't get that quickly after his 18th birthday or locally.

  11. Guns perfectly brand new and matching the Las Vegas Shooter's guns.

  12. Police stood outside for an hour.

  13. The school sends out the notice that there's an active shooter but they have it under control and everyone is safe. That was reported by Fox news which soon after deletes the report.

  14. Deceased daughter has two different dads report on camera separately on different networks with the same last name. Neither announced as Step-Father.

  15. Border Patrol Agents and First Responders Who Saved Lives of Children in Uvalde School Shooting Were UNINVITED From Biden Event.

Fishy, yet?

I'm sure I missed some. Feel free to add to the pile. Maybe the smell will go high enough for a politician to be forced to talk about it... But I highly doubt it...

J6ArrestedVeteran 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is what happens when people at twitter are scared of losing their jobs.

J6ArrestedVeteran 1 point ago +1 / -0

As a person arrested that night, where is all the night footage? I remember so many cameras and camera crews there at night. The media split at exactly 8pm. The cops let them pass as they stopped the few of us left to kettle us in and be peacefully arrested. I was released 18 hours later from a roach infested dc prison with no food and little water. Patriots stopped so much violence that day even as we all were hit with mace, riot grenades, tear gas, batons and whatever else they had to throw at us. So many patriots urging the police that we were not there for violence and many police actually listened that night and resisted the orders to do more harm. Women were the first to be attacked by police to incite violence and in some cases, it worked before a mob of patriots dragged the re-actors away from the front lines shouting, "that's not what we are here for". When bad actors couldn't get to the front, black folding chairs appeared out of nowhere being thrown over my head to hit police and the Entire crowd stopped and shouted, "get those chairs" and passed them forward. I was one who gently laid the chairs down and slid them to the police so they knew I had no intentions of using them against the police and to make sure no one else would either.