JFK_Knew 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could make the same arguments over guns and weapons. Its all about who is in charge at the other end. There are plenty of good people doing good work involving tech. There are plenty of people who use firearms in an absolutely safe manner and use them for protection or to eat. The inverse is true on both accounts; tech has plenty of bad examples, guns have lead to plenty of chaos, but both involve a human element. This is the common "blame the guns for peoples actions" narrative only its "its all the computers fault". People rioted when the first automated looms were created and swore up and down it would be the end of the human worker. My point is, this isn't a new argument it just looks new to us. It isn't on tech as no tech does a thing without a human aiding it, just as a gun is akin to a paper weight without a human to use it.