In drop 918? I was really just bullshitting that Lindell is Q. (I doubt it. But.. would be wild.)
I believe in drop 918 Q is basically just re-iterating that there are no coincidences. Possibly hinting that the reposter of the trump tweet is correct in their thinking.
Honestly couldn't say for sure.
I used to interact on there occasionally, trying to promote discussion that's more than just leftist echos - no dice, it just plain and simple does not work.
I hadn't visited there in probably over a month, but for some reason decided to go check it out today.
Thank you u/high-valyrian for the thread here. If I may, I would like to share a backup resource I have created with all of Q's posts. This site is entirely self hosted, in the hopes that it may stay up in the event of an AWS (or similar) shutdown. You can check it out at
Not discussion per se, but I like to think this meets the criteria of 'high quality'. Would love suggestions for feedback and improvements.
I dropped by /politics today to see what they were going on about. If you have any doubt that we are winning... just go look over there.
It's a shitshow. ZERO actual content, just opinion pieces about 'drumpf is a dictator' and lord savior biden is planning to spend .5M to sanitize the white house.
The funny thing is that they are actually getting excited about the national guard - petitioning to get them cots and shit.. oh if only they knew..
This is similar to what I have done here. I downloaded a database from that exports in an HTML format when unzipped. 99% of the content on my site is from this raw HTML dump. I strongly encourage people on the welcome page of the site to download this archive on their own, but lets face it, many will not (or do not have the ability to - its about 1.1GB.) Two reasons for this:
-Keep the database in an easily accessible online format that anyone can use, regardless of skill
-Coding is fun; I needed an evening project.
If this post takes off, the site may load very slowly or crash. Resources are limited. Save the link for a rainy day when it's not brand new and being hit a lot. My goal here is to provide something that I have complete control over - that cannot be shut down by AWS/Cloudflare/etc.
If you experience issues, please let me know here or send an email to [email protected]. Constant improvement is key.