by aad7990
CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0


The video of the guy claiming to be Thomas Crooks is likely a troll going by @Jewgazing He made his profile private

(Top right - explicit cartoon porn images scrolling down)

Fact Check: Photo and Video Do NOT Show Thomas Matthew Crooks -- It Is X User 'Jewgazing'

by aad7990
CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Speculation online that it is actually Maxwell Yearicks

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20 year old shooter who tried assassinating President Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania last night, was featured in a BlackRock @BlackRock ad in 2023! (I'm guessing at 0:18)

Its Maxwell Yearicks

CoolAsACucumber 4 points ago +4 / -0


BTW wtf is that passage a couple more down??

Burn p......... After you have perspired heavily and.......... Into the food or drink of the man.....


CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hope Trump or someone assassinates her.

CoolAsACucumber 13 points ago +13 / -0

Then after Trump called him a liar Biden said it was 8 🤣

CoolAsACucumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

"If you lived in a death cult, would you know it?"

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

That doesn't look or sound like Kevin Spacey to me.

I'd like to think he's already gone from this world.

CoolAsACucumber 6 points ago +6 / -0

How has that anti-immigration Italian Prime Minister been doing?

I ask because as far as I've heard she hasn't done much and that was supposed to be a big win for us as well.

How hard would it be for controlled opposition to get in on the action on Marine Le Pen's party? Keep track of individuals actions in that party.

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recommend listening to the first 30 min of this video.

It's a rundown of 4 essential Economic Theories:

  • 1:15 Cantillon Effect
  • 6:40 Gresham's law
  • 12:57 Triffin dilemma
  • 19:22 The Bullwhip Effect

Very good to understand to make your own conclusions going forward.

The 4 Economic Theories | Uneducated Economist

CoolAsACucumber 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! This has been what I study in my free time since 2020. Lots of really great people to listen and learn from out there.

I hope what I say can be helpful.

CoolAsACucumber 4 points ago +4 / -0

Saudis will still accept USD, just not exclusively.

The world is still entangled in dollar-denominated debt. That is what it means to be the world reserve currency (and extremely dominant, over 80% of all transactions worldwide are in dollars).

Every other country borrows US dollars, those dollars are converted to their currency or spent on something else internationally.

The dollar isn't going to go away fast with the Saudis switching. It would take several other extreme international crisis happening at once which I currently don't see happening right now (USD-JPY goes vertical, Euro collapses, major country(s) adopt crypto, global supply chain collapse akin to 2020 or worse.

First you will see the dollars value rise if other countries can't easily get ahold of easy dollars. Your dollar will buy more but it'll choke other countries, and it becomes an avalanche of countries trying to break the noose around their neck.

Then it'll be a slow, painful,drawn out process that'll see extreme inflation for the US citizens. As other countries move away from the dollar, dollars flow back to their country of origin (USA) and increase the circulating money supply without an increase in demand. This causes inflating prices.

None this isn't to say you won't see a collapsing stock market in the USA. Too many loans have been created that can't be played back and that'll cause our electronic money supply to near instantly disappear when bankruptcies are rampant. If the Feds don't turn on the money printer this time, that'll probably be the catalyst to collapse the world, but you will likely not have dollars either if it's in a bank.

CoolAsACucumber 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you rearrange the letters it spells:

"Prith Demon"

Just sayin

CoolAsACucumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rumble video downloaded

Copy and paste this link into the rumble downloader

I would say don't bother with Facebook. They use AI to sensor this stuff way faster than any of your friends would see. Then they shadow ban you to make it look like on your side you can we your posts but your friends won't be able to see anything of yours on their end.

My suggestion is upload the video to

Then copy the link and send friends via text. Even better, use Signal app. It is end-to-end encrypted and works over WiFi not phone service. Your texts can be huge, you can also audio/video call. When you download the app you can see who else in your contacts have it. For the friends that don't, you can try to get them in on it.

CoolAsACucumber 3 points ago +3 / -0

more accurate info -- Japan called off the warning. It wasn't a missile fired at Japan. It was a rocket launch supposedly carrying spy equipment for their second stage recon project. But it's all blown up now.

CoolAsACucumber 7 points ago +7 / -0

It does not matter. The Federal Reserve's end result will be a crash so enormous that Central Banks around the world will need a bailout and they will call on the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and/or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which will aid in the form a CBDC (that theyll say is backed by a basket of currencies) and outside the rule of those countries. Our Federal Reserve may become subservient to the CBDC imposed.

Their goal is for suffering to be so quick, sharp, and great so that people beg for their freedoms to be taken away for a few loaves of bread. The ultimate Comfort Vs Freedom that makes the pandemic look like a cakewalk.

Do not get complacent on this, the Federal Reserve is still developing their own CBDC right now and will continue even if the law is passed. It'll just go over the heads of Congress. Congressmen will likely get guilt tripped by the elites when it becomes necessary for them to go back on their anti-CBDC stance. These are the most worthless cowards you can find anywhere.

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