Thanks to everyone on here who recommended ivermectin and fenbenozol for my mom. She's stage 4, hospice is here. Mom wasn't willing to try "alternative" treatments until the cancer hospital stopped treatment and recommended hospice.

Days 1-4 were just ivermectin (while i waited for fenbenozol to be delivered). Today is day 5 on ivermectin and day 1 on fenbenozol. She seems a little better today. She's been awake more today than all week. She was even signing along to some Motown for a little while.

I hope it's not too late. I say a prayer with every dose i give her. 🙏


My mom has terminal pancreatic cancer and the oncologist has stopped treatment and recommended hospice. They're giving her just weeks to live.

I just bought the ivermectin horse paste. I know its a long shot. Hail Mary at this point.

I know many here have experience. Please help. How much should i dose her with? Will there be any negative side effects?


My thought is that its most likely staged, and pre-planned. How could anyone claim to not have noticed how unfitfor office Biden is? But then again we have been asking that question for years.

I will be looking out for signals/clues in the coming days. Such as...

Do they replace Biden right a way and are they all in unison? If yes, pre-plannes.

If there is infighting between Obama, Harris, Clinton, Newsome camps for example, maybe they really are panicking. If that is the case, then truly the best is yet to come.

Suicide weekend? That would confirm the panic is real and white hats are in control.

Exciting times!