Dear Mr. Trump,
We voted for you twice. We came out in the thousands at rallies, at parades, at the Capital. We have lost countless hours of sleep. We have lost friends and family members. We have defended you with the utmost confidence that Trump never gives up! We have been at the ready and willing to take up arms.
We KNOW you have, and have had, more than enough evidence of the voter fraud and the corrupt players. We know that you could have gone in with military and taken control/possession of all the corrupt players and voting machines and ballots; yet, you did nothing. We know that there are in excess of 200,000 sealed indictments waiting to be opened.
We continue to believe that you gave us Q. This is the only thing that is keeping us from a civil war. For many of us, the popcorn is getting old. Me, personally, I could really use a drop from Q or some undeniable sign that we need to hold the line and continue to believe that the Patriots are in control. I live in Georgia; I continue to go to bed seething with vitriol and contempt for those involved in the election scam and coverup. Kemp, Rattensberger, Abrams, Sterling, these traitors need to be brought before a tribunal along with a slew of other state's verim. They deserve a court marshal! Yet, the sit there with no consequences.
For me (and likely a whole shitload of us out here) it would be super cool if you would PLEASE give us a booster shot of hopium?!! Give us a clear sign regarding the VACCINES. Give us a clear sign regarding JUSTICE. Give us a clear sign regarding the SWAMP.
We are the majority. Yet, we are sitting on the bench. Q, are you out there? This is not fun anymore. Every fucking moron in the Walmart is still wearing a mask. Hundreds of thousands of fucking refugees are busting in through an open door. Isn't this an invasion? WTF are we doing? When do the heads begin to roll?
It is TRULY "One of Those Days" for me right now. We trust the prophets; We trust in God; We trust in Trump; We trust in Q. Is this list too long? Give us something....anything!
We MUST let our voice be heard. Cancel your subscriptions with the Cabal entities NOW! Netfix, Amazon Prime, Disney.....We need a list....