I'm an RN. 10 days ago a Pt came into our office looking like death. She had received the booster, we were treating her symptoms. I am not vaccinated and do not wear masks. Days later she returned with covid, and sneezed all over me while I was close taking her vitals.

This weekend I have covid. It's not severe but I'm not happy about it. As a nurse, I'd like to understand shedding and if I'm susceptible to our Pt's who come in immediately following their booster shots!

Anyone else in health-care want to share their thoughts? Thanks in advance!


I have this forum on an old phone I use at home with wifi. I don't use it on my iPhone. (I once clicked on a site through here that my have put a virus on an old phone, so now I only use it here.)

Today I clicked on a topic which took me away from this link, and completely out of this forum. When I tried to get back in, I couldn't remember the web address. I started to search using..wwg1wga. It didn't work. I tried great awakening... didn't work.

I couldn't get through there with the use of Google, or Duck Duck Go. This site is blocked through both websites. If you'd using duckduckgo... stop!

I wonder if people understand that this is blocked on many search engines including Bing, and some of the top 10 search engines.

I FINALLY got here through Yandex. After trying several other search engines. Welcome to America. Where ..Free speech is a thing of the past.

My heart aches!


While in office Ivanka/Jared their kids, were often in the press and forefront of everything Whitehouse, and all holidays! What happened! Why is Donald Jr. the only family supporting him?

Was there a breakdown in the family over the break in at the capital? She seems to have walked away from the family!

What happened?

Dave Rubin posted a video about current atrocities in China over this "supposed," second wave of CV. People suffered d/t lockdowns and food shortages. I wouldn't/didn't watch the entire video...

This may sound crazy, but....celebs, politicians and elites, have been saying they are + for cv this past month. And now these videos are released. CV II the sequel.

How do we know the video's aren't from 2 years ago...and /or manufactured in a movie set or was computer generated? Sickening!

I walked down that road 2 years ago...I won't watch it or go there again!



I'm getting numerous emails requesting donations in Trumps name. Last year a post came out from Donald Trump stating not to give to the Republican party in his name because it was a wasted effort, money donated to RINO's. Also, its a way for "the deep state" to gather up donator information. Unless I know for sure where my money is going, I'm not donating a dime!