This didn’t click with me until I just received an email from my sons high school about a nationwide TikTok trend about a nation wide school shooting on 12/17… reading through the comments about “booms” anyone think this could be one of the big happenings tomorrow?
*Edited to add, please don’t be harsh on me, this is my first time commenting, after over a year, of being a part of this page. I read nightly as much as I can before going to bed. I have gained so much information from all of you!
Yes, I had no clue about it until I was notified by the school through an email earlier. I was surprised, since it was on TikTok, that my son hadn’t heard about it. I watched many videos about it and read through some of the comments that other parents across the US were receiving emails as well.
Of course, this site was the only other source I used to check if anything had been reported. I use an iPhone, so I’m assuming this is why I can never use the search tool? I have tried logging into my account from a laptop, but was unable to search from there as well. Any tips on using the search? This post just happened to be one of the top post and it seemed like it may (?) fit the bill…