A piece of paper saying John Doe fucked a 5 yr old isn't proof. Flying isn't proof. Staying on the island isn't proof. Videos can be disputed no matter how clear! No charges. Reputations may be temporarily put into question but this is a nothing!


There is so much information, misinformation and supposition out there that it is somewhat difficult to weed through it!

The Covid Vax is harming people. Is it certain doses or boosters or does it affect only certain people? If it is as deadly as claimed why aren't all recipients dead...or is there a time frame? I also heard that you can transmit the vax via sex. How true? Can anyone clarify for me?


My thought on what is about to happen...

A president might issue an executive order to resolve stalled issues. Presidents can use executive orders to direct executive action without congressional approval - when legislation is blocked or delayed. Joe will EO the budget long version! Trump would have to fight it at the Supreme Court.

I know WWIII may also be a reason. That would give reason for extending Biden's presidency.

Or, the bird flu in CA will shut down the entire USA. The military to round up everyone for MANDATORY jabs.


There will be massive outrage when Biden pardons Fauci and Gates. Then Pelosi and Schiff. Then the Clintons and Diddy. Who else can Joe pardon to thwart Trump? You KNOW he will!


What is succession order for president-elect and VP-elect? Hate to ask, but what happens if both die after the election but before assuming office? Could Biden, by executive order remain in office longer and schedule a new election down the road? Or, would the speaker of the house assume the presidency after Biden's term ends? Could the Supreme Court be asked to declare the losers of Nov 8 as the POTUS and VP by default?


Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995, where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.

In 1969. Bill and his wife had founded The Weather Underground (a far-left Marxist militant organization) whose express political goal was to create a revolutionary party to overthrow the United States government. They were a part of Students For A Democratic Society and affiliated with the Black Liberation Army. Their ideology was anti-capitalism/communism.

On March 1, 1971, they bombed the Capitol. May 29, 1972 they bombed the Pentagon. January 29, 1975 they bombed the US Dept of State building. They were anti-police and In 1969 they blew up a statue in Chicago commemorating fallen officers which was rebuilt and blown up three times by Weather Underground.

During the 2008 presidential election, investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers.

They also protested the Vietnam War as did John Kerry but I found no connection to him.

Comments should be interesting!


Does anyone have any memes, gifs or videos either photoshopped or AI of George Soros getting f@cked in the a$$? I would love to scatter some on X.


If John McCain & GHWB were executed and Biden and Hillary died and were replaced and others like Kamala and duplicates are wearing masks - who are the real players that are left? Is it just Soros and Obama?


They can change the law with a constitutional amendment but the Trump ruling is grandfathered as the highest court has ruled before such an amendment was drafted and passed. It would affect Biden and those who come after him...not Trump.


Trump is a businessman. Let's look at the choice from that standpoint. There is a lot of work to do. So, why not name Ben Carson...Senior VP and Vivek and Scott Junior VPs? A 4 man team vs. Dementia Joe & his border Czar (who has never been to the border) laughing Kamala. Pay for it? Ben gets the VP salary and Trump donates his salary split to pay for the junior VPs. Imagine the excitement!


Harris will announce she is dropping out of the 2024 election. Joe resigns due to health issues. Harris becomes first female potus. Harris pardons Joe. Hunter and Donald of any and all federal crimes. She asks NY Gov Kathy Hochul to pardon Trump for NY crimes. Hochul declines. Clinton and Newsom are the democratic candidates. Fake polls put them far ahead. Their win is announced. Trump gets 17 yrs in NY state prison.

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