Tayler Hansen from UT (same as John Sullivan) keeps posting bullshit stories about Ashli Babbit. She was not shot in the capitol and people keep post stories about it here. WTF. Do some research. I am inclined to think that website is totally corrupt and it is not just Tayler Hansen. Does anyone have evidence to the contrary?
Where were you on the 911 and Sandy Hook false flags? What about the weapons of mass destruction, Olympic bombing and Las Vegas shooting? I must admit, I was in denial about about this stuff. Now that I am more aware and am willing to question things I see much more clearly. The military operation moving full speed ahead. Evidence everywhere, just like the false flags I would not allow my self to see. Trust the Plan! God wins! I pray that he reveals himself to you and that you find peace and patients as this operation unfolds.
The live Senate Trial just showed the fake Ashl Babbit shooting in the Senate. They know along with the FBI that this is fake. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/