JohnPaluska 4 points ago +5 / -1

Or maybe we could be the driving force to get these bills signed by telling everyone about them, phoning our congressmen, protesting over getting them passed, and telling our news agencies they should report on them.

For goodness sake nobody will do anything for someone who doesn't say they want something. How do you think the Democrats got so far in 20 years? Just by sitting at home and voting once in a while? No. They protested, took over the news and media, and started registering voters. We need to do the same rather than sit back like a bunch of defeated dogs with our tails between our legs.

JohnPaluska 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean. I'm aware of what's been happing since November of the election.

JohnPaluska -4 points ago +2 / -6

"There is no aspect of our agenda of the 21st century leadership where the women and men of the Defense Department do not have a role — whether it’s helping curb the pandemic here at home and around the world; or addressing the real threats of climate change that already is costing us billions in impacts on our bases, on our national security; or being part of an ongoing fight for racial justice."

They're essential for all leadership roles and this isn't a coup? Are you kidding me? Since when has the DoD been essential for racial justice? Since when has the DoD been essential for climate change? Since when has the DoD been essential for all leadership? Since when was the DoD essential for all policy agendas?

When one central agency is responsible for everything, that's a coup. A soft coup is when power is handed over through legal means. Biden basically told them to be essential to everything he's doing. That's a coup.

JohnPaluska -4 points ago +3 / -7

But that isn't what he said. He said they're in all aspects of leadership:

"There is no aspect of our agenda of the 21st century leadership where the women and men of the Defense Department do not have a role — whether it’s helping curb the pandemic here at home and around the world; or addressing the real threats of climate change that already is costing us billions in impacts on our bases, on our national security; or being part of an ongoing fight for racial justice."

"no aspect of our agenda of the 21st century leadership" In the words of Biden, COME ON, MAN!

It's very obvious that the Department of Defense is now essential for everything happening. That's a soft coup. Biden handed over power to the DoD. He told them they're essential for everything. That they're essential for leadership.

Like... how much more obvious does it need to be???

JohnPaluska -6 points ago +3 / -9

What in the world are you talking about? He said the DoD is responsible for everything gong forward. He said they are essential. That's a soft coup. We just witnessed a soft coup.

JohnPaluska 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where? Because I haven't seen more than normal where I live.

JohnPaluska 7 points ago +7 / -0

I seem to remember Trump appointing the most justices ever for a 4-year term. Certainly all of them aren't corrupt.

It isn't all doom and gloom. There's plenty of good things happening right now.

JohnPaluska 3 points ago +3 / -0

No. It starts out:

"In an ominous call for partisanship and a skirting of longstanding traditions in American politics, Joe Biden just asserted Republicans are completely unneeded and that he will do what he desires regardless of what they try to do to make his policies less partisan."

JohnPaluska 13 points ago +13 / -0

Come now... If 75% of State Legislature seats and Governor's elections went Republican, then how did the Democrats win the House, Senate, and Presidency?

JohnPaluska 19 points ago +19 / -0

I mean... you can follow the links to the original transcripts yourself. . . It isn't that hard to fact check when they give you the original source for you to inspect.

Unlike the Associated Press or Reuters or CNN, who only link to their own articles and don't give you the original source.

JohnPaluska 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. My old account is back now. It was weird. I made a new account and now that one disappeared.

I changed my password and everything but yeah. Just be warned.

JohnPaluska 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then what in the world was he signing yesterday in front of the cameras? And what are all the Executive Orders listed at the White House website?

JohnPaluska 1 point ago +2 / -1

from the actual EO:

"identify methods to expand State, local, Tribal, and territorial capacity to conduct testing, contact tracing, and isolation and quarantine, in order for schools, businesses, and travel to be conducted safely;"

This is not "allow" this is "expand"

JohnPaluska 2 points ago +2 / -0

Guys. Come on. The mods explained what happened. The domain was owned by one guy, they wanted shared ownership of the domain so nobody could just shut it down.

They explained this in a sticky note on the site. It's by doggos, the same guy who stickied the other ones about FBI honeypots and whatnot:


JohnPaluska 4 points ago +4 / -0

"encouraging" by removing obstacles to mask wearing, coordinating with businesses, state, and local governments.

The writing's on the wall, Biden's going to force you to wear a mask.

JohnPaluska 1 point ago +1 / -0

I disagree. Lifesitenews, Life News, Catholic news agencies, conservative outlets, would all cover it.

JohnPaluska 1 point ago +1 / -0

"As Service Members, we must embody the values and ideals of the Nation. We support and defend the Constitution."

They spelled it out right there,

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