Jolo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is excellent. Solid points all around. And yeah, we're all getting burnt out, but this is why we are here fren. iron sharpens iron. longest, most painful 'i told you so' ever. And you're welcome? take care and Merry Christmas

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean I get it, you come off a little bit holy roller in my opinion but you're entitled to it. But I would ask, how do overcome in you mind, the fact that there are documents written in Sanskrit that date back to upwards of 1,500 bc? Like physical documents that exist in this world today that were written 1500 years before Christ? And the Hindu story includes a trinity and a great flood? Not trying to be a universalist here but I'm just saying expand your thinking without dishonoring God.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

agreed conservation of energy etc... BUT it will be reduced enough to cause massive issues. hence why we see so many alerts for solar storms etc... again expanded thinking (not that any of us have the expertise to understand every corner of these topics.)

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

well... Ben of Suspicious OBSERVERS is seeing the elites do things. did ya watch the video Cats? Bezo's has a huge system in a mountain next to a rocket launching location. he wouldn't need that to keep angry patriots away. he wouldn't need any of that. If they were aware of a MUCH larger event forthcoming, THEN they would consider the massive expense of doing what they are doing. but hey, i'm just trying to expand my thinking here...

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also let us remember we are on a mult-layered onion here... the mantle and core are liqued and much more likely to shift based on magnetic forces than the surface in my understanding... but let's also remember we're supposed to be on this journey together as frens.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

good point. one theory is that we are on a multi-layered onion here.. the internals are clearly driven by electro-magnetics, hence the magnetic field. if that shifts, then likely we'd not see it on the surface,but clearly some thing has happened in history. the grand canyon wasn't formed by a trickle, massive plains that appear like a large drain field didn't happen from rain storms... varioud geological deposits happend from large oceans or ice formations drifting over the land as some point... so clearly the earth is capable of some kind of change. this is why we keep digging and learning to see what the possibilities are. watch the rest of the SO disaster series, see what makes sense to you and report back.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

could be indeed. i am learning, and evidence in nature would kinda support it, that we are seeing a cycle possibly come to fruition in our lifetime. we've been around for a short time imho. no denying that rock we live on was created. by a creator. in what manner is the question. it's hard to be a deep believer of the bible (in it's "current form" which is a whole other thing) and be able to observe the world without 'expanding out thinking.' I'm guessing these cycles have been occurring many times over... does the current time derive from our creator? I don't know. just trying to expand my thinking.

Jolo 3 points ago +3 / -0

can't disagree with this of course, but the challenge I have is the specific details. I pray for discernment from God concerning these potential events and I'm drawn to what appears to be a somewhat practical move of higher ground as close to my home as possible. Is that specific actions I can take to keep my family alive during an event in the bible, of course not. This comment is true but comes off a bit 'holy roller' instead of practical answers. Proverbs talks extensively about wisdom and discernment. I'm trying to leverage both for the safety of my family and patriots alike. No love loss fren.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean that's definitely turning it up to 11 but I can't argue otherwise. Simply no way to know. All I do know is now it's preparation beats a pound of cure.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now that's an angle I definitely did not think about. And that would explain a few things. They're not preparing for the polar shift, they're just preparing for the shit show and pay back. Okay. This is exactly why we do this to expand our thinking.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah suspicious observers talks more so about the solar shift and other changes to our world. Not so much the nuclear war aspect that everybody's always had around.

Jolo 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is my exact conclusion, as to why they are pushing the agenda 21, agenda 2030 etc. so proud to see such expanded thinking within this community.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm willing to bet that he would probably appreciate constructive input like that. Ben is probably one of the most intelligent men I've ever heard on youtube. Former lawyer and deep researcher. But still he's always open to critical thinking.

Jolo 3 points ago +3 / -0

And directly correlates with the creation story of several religions. I've been a believer my entire life, but I have certainly expanded my thinking in the last several years. Not to doubt salvation but to think about it in a grander way.

Jolo 2 points ago +2 / -0

High quality post, definitely gets you thinking about a few things that I'd never really spend time thinking about... The food recalls really kind of make me wonder. Like I know that we used to have them but nobody recalled anything it was just we had stronger the systems... Again this is why we do these posts. Things we should all think through it and offer our thoughts. Elevate our thinking

Jolo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now that's a whole another theory I haven't even began to conceptualize. Well this is why we do this. I mean they're still hiding a fuckload of Tesla patents and God knows what their capabilities would be. It's a bit of a stretch but fuck, I'll entertain it.

Jolo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah we're kind of taking a best guess here at this point, but he has access along with many other researchers to modeling platforms that they've done some pretty extensive work with in terms of sea level rise. It's the sloshing back and forth/tsunami that will be questionable... Again we're all just trying to expand our thinking here

Jolo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do appreciate the posters editorial on what he's seen from others. I'd never heard about the Earth stopping rotation, and I also would call full BS on that. Suspicious observers quotes all of his studies and the multitude of other observations. Ben would tell you do your own research. I've been doing my own research I find some very weird things like, don't tell me the Grand canyon was formed over millions of years from a little tiny fucking river. That was formed from somebody draining the plug very quickly. Much like lake lahaten in Nevada was formed and drained very quickly also. This is exactly why I posted, to use the hive mind and learn as much as I possibly could as quickly as I possibly could

Jolo 0 points ago +1 / -1

History and science would show otherwise. Please watch the videos. Do research. One of the biggest things that has bugged me is the fact that they found tropical plants and fucking antarctica? That makes no sense to me unless our equator has shifted over time. The core is what the moon is attracted to everything else is just floating on the surface from a mass standpoint.

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