Just so y'all know... I have a friend that is sick... I gave him a dose of iv€rmec€tin and called the local hospital... in a ten minute conversation... she explained that the FDA blocked all monoclonal antibody treatments. She didn't understand and she didn't agree and she was obviously frustrated... she knows exactly what is going on!!! I have never felt so helpless in my life...

I need help in understanding how Q's trip code gets tied to the meta-data of a book. This is of critical importance.

I've written about this for years. Nobody has given me an answer, and most just skate on by like it's no big deal. It's a huge deal. Maybe the biggest of deals.

When you enter in Q's trip code into google books, it returns a list of books that are somehow tied to that code. But there is nothing that i can find that corresponds to these books in any way. Yet the information contained in them is astonishingly important and relevant.

We NEED to understand how this happens and who is tying these books to these codes. The last picture shows what happens when you enter in a value not included in the trip code, thereby rendering the whole "it's just random" argument debunked. I can't help but think of the quote "you have more than you know." I think we are supposed to be reading them. I've been operating under a theory that every single thing we do is completely voluntary. I think these books give us the keys to unlocking a lot of that information that is kept from us on purpose.

Please put down what you are doing and look into this with me. I need answers immediately.


Has anyone heard??