Posted this on c/Technology already, didn't get a whole lot out of there yet.
Hey all! I'm looking to put together a sort of quick idiot-proof guide to overwhelming/fighting internet censorship, in particular on the social media platforms.
I know enough about tech to know it will not be as simple as making a bunch of free emails, then making a bunch of accounts, and spamming stuff, because most of these platforms will have IP, MAC address, etc. bans, but I honestly don't have much of an understanding of the specifics of these filters or methods of evading them.
I'd imagine a VPN would help, but what else would one need for a platform like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, or Reddit?
And to be clear, I know stuff won't just magically stay up. I just want to try and get a way around the automated stuff to try and oversaturate more manual censorship or force them into a stricter post lockdown.
Any and all help would be appreciated. I want to ideally put together a sort of poster/graphic that I can spread around friendlier parts of the internet (other .wins, for example) so that even the more technologically illiterate people can do their part to fight and overwhelm the censorship of big tech.
Even just a little point towards other resources would be appreciated!
...It was such a powerful push for control that he told everyone gathered there to go home peacefully!
Here is an excerpt from their source, which is evidently SO good that they just put that in instead of even bothering to write an article! The writing style is sOoooOOoOOoo good, isn't it?
Sidenote: can we appreciate that the first sentence includes that "electricity hung in the air."? Is that a nod at "Electric Pence"? lmao
John McAfee was tremendously important to cybersecurity.
I seem to recall not too long ago the elites warning of a computer hack that would "put covid to shame" so to speak. I don't have the sources on hand, if someone who does could provide that'd be fantastic.
Could that have been comms about McAfee? If so, what does that imply about what is really happening? What other cans of worms might such a comms meaning open up?
What does this mean for what is to come next??
Today, I checked a twitter link on another post and saw that "The Tucker Carlson" was trending. Was confused why it wouldn't just be "Tucker Carlson" and so I looked and I see it's people attacking Sidney Powell's defense in the Dominion case.
Now, I'm no legalfag, but I've had my fair share of armchair lawfare, and the following is my (counter) analysis:
"Determining whether a statement is protected involves a two-step inquiry: Is the statement one which can be proved true or false? And would reasonable people conclude this statement is one of fact, in light of its phrasing, context, and the circumstances surrounding it's publication . . . Analyzed under these factors, and even assuming, arguendo, that each of the statements alleged in the Complaint could be proved true or false, no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact."
^ This is one of the paragraphs they're getting all excited about; "She argues that when she accused Dominion of being part of an election-rigging scheme with ties to Venezuela, 'no reasonable person would conclude' those 'were truly statements of fact'" - Zoe Tillman. This is a largely factual statement that was then taken by others and spiraled out to imply that she is saying either 1.) she does not personally believe the statements, or 2.) she is admitting they are incorrect.
That, however, is not precisely correct; that which is non-factual isn't inherently in opposition to the facts; for example, I can state that "the world is big", which is not particularly a statement of fact: there is no precise definition of "big", or even "the world"; that renders that a non-factual statement, possibly even an opinion. Is "the world is big" incorrect however? Obviously not; deeming it nonfactual is not deeming it incorrect.
Furthermore, there is the issue of proof; what she is implying here is that she does not have proof to cover all of the statements or implications of said statements; perhaps she can prove fraudulent activity, but she cannot prove that the ties that Dominion has with Venezuela mean Venezuela had some sort of direct influence.
This interpretation of her stance is reinforced by the following portion:
"Reasonable people understand that the 'language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes . . . is often vituperative, abusive, and inexact.' Watts v. United States, 394 U.S. 705, 708 (1969). It is likewise a 'well recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole.' Planned Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette, Inc. v. Am. Coal. of Live Activists, 244 F.3d 1007, 1009 (9th Circ. 2001)"
She isn't stating that it's wrong here, or that it's all hyperbole, she's saying that legalistically, not every single statement or word in said statement will be exact and factual; the claims were not made in the context of a direct legal suit or court allegation, therefore they aught not be held to such standards.
There is another footnote that not many are talking about as well, which talks about how she is not legally responsible for the veracity of her sources, under the same sort of protections the press receive. This could be big; if they determine she is guilty regardless, that may set a legal precedent through which to sue the fake news media over literally every inaccuracy that may cause damages.
It is good to know what points of argument our opposition will rely on before engaging them. If they approach you with this as a counterargument against election fraud, know that it is not, and be able to explain it to them.
In general, the weakness that these people's arguments face is that they are not considering (intentionally or out of ignorance/stupidity) the strict legal definition of words; application of colloquial definitions to a legal statement is disingenuous and intellectually bankrupt.
Take care and God bless!
Before everyone jumps on the "president Grenell" situation we need to be aware that this is likely bait.
Wikipedia sources it's search answers from third parties. They have been wrong before when the third party information gets messed with. In this case, it appears that they sourced their presidential information from Wikipedia. Some intrepid user, by the handle of "Qwashere2021", changed said Wikipedia article to include him as the current president.
What could this mean? A few possibilities:
1.) Real Q posted this as breadcrumbs. Unlikely, "No outside comms".
2.) A Q supporter did this. Unlikely, why would any of us do this; noone suspected such a thing were true and everyone knows dropping nonsense as facts will just mess with the entire supporter base. HIGHLY unlikely.
3.) A troll did this. Likely; a troll bearing that username would likely be involved in our circles and spend time shilling us. Such a troll would have the wits to make the change themselves, and then make a big deal out of it on social media; from there, it would spread like wildfire, and then we'd have a lot of people on here gullible enough to flat out believe it without anyone being able to change their minds. That is why we should be TOP LEVEL skepticism of this; maybe it's true, but likely, it is not.
4.) DS/MSM psyop. Also highly likely: tie it to Q using the name, make the change, spread it inorganically and rapidly through social media, get all the Q people to buy it hook line and sinker, and then include it in the next "Look Q people are crazy and retarded" documentary. Easy win for them!
Could it be legitimate? Sure! That said, the OVERWHELMING LIKELIHOOD is that it is not. Don't fall for obvious bait. Practice skepticism. That is all.
Godspeed Patriots!
I've got a good friend that is strongly considering getting the jab. They're a Trump supporter but very out of the loop (they know the steal, but still buy the virus stuff). I had a passionate argument with them to convince them to avoid the jab. I referenced a lot of the stuff I've seen for a while about how it's dangerous AF; especially the CDC statistics and such.
They're rational, and want to see the data firsthand. I will gather what I have saved, but I would be extremely grateful if some of you fellow patriots could help me out finding some of the studies, data, and expert analysis.
The only kinds of sources this individual would accept would likely be direct data, the literal studies, and writings from actual medical officials. If there were mainstream sources that could be compiled to show the jab is bad, that would be acceptable as well. Random WordPress websites, no matter how well researched, will not go over well.
Some of the prominent points to back up:
- Covid is virtually completely harmless unless you are extremely unhealthy or fairly old.
- The MRNA vaccine permanently alters DNA.
- The MRNA has a high potential to cause sterilization.
- The statistical likelihood of death to corona is lower than the statistical likelihood of a severe negative reaction to the vaccine.
- The vaccine has not demonstrated any improvements with regards to the body's response to coronavirus (it is useless).
- Officials have admitted pre-Trump testing was hogwash and over-reported cases (10x the number of cases[?])
Any sources I find will be added in the comments, as well.
Thank you, and God bless you!
We've had our Simon Parks; we've had our George News; we've had our Newsmax; we've had our Parler.
All of these were trusted (by many) in the beginning. All of these have been exposed.
It's time people start promoting more skepticism. Just because you want to hear something, doesn't mean it's true.
I know I've seen enough proofs to take Q seriously, at the least. Q said "No outside comms". People are (frankly childishly) pissing that repeated guidance into the wind repeatedly in favor of some cheap hope.
We need to stop promoting ANYONE but Q, without extensive, rigorous, and conclusive proofs.
The new rule should be this: fake until proven true.
Assume images are fake; assume videos are fake; assume it's ALL fake. Build off of what you know isn't. Force those claiming to have information to verify their information.
Being gullible isn't just a "oh well I'm disappointed" problem; it's damaging our cause astronomically. What happens when some freakjob gets the idea to shill us out and then brag about it in the next CNN documentary?
We don't all have to agree on our research. That said, we should attempt to come to some kind of logic and evidence driven consensus before trusting and promoting sources. These consensus proofs should be compiled into an easily distributable "proof" which can be supplied whenever anyone else reacts with skepticism.
We're better than this. Let's start proving it.
"And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave."
1 Kings Chapter 19
"Out of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
- Invictus, by William Ernest Henley.
In these late watches, when all seems lost; or in the dawns that lack their luster, confront your fears. What is the worse that can happen, to you. The only thing they can take without your permission is your life. Remember this. Make of yourself an unconquerable fortress; don't let them into your head, don't let them break your soul.
Even if justice is not done on this earth within our lifetime, or the next one hundred lifetimes, remember that they have already created their own hell. They are mortal; they can run from that but they cannot escape it. Eventually, the humanity that they have so strongly rejected will catch up with them.
Always remember; no matter what: God wins. God is just and will administer justice perfectly and completely.
Rest easy, patriots.
My fellow patriots!
We are just beginning to fight back against our current dictator potato. I told people I would be making this post at this time, but have since learned that I won't need to take up the mantle of organization - be on the watch for the .win developers to put out new .win communities for each state and local area! Please, connect with your state and get organized when that happens!
To see the other .win communities, you can visit - you guessed it, When the local pages are made, they will show up there!
Listen up, Patriots!
Many of you are questioning everything right now. That is normal, that is acceptable. Question it but remember we are on the right side. Q is MIA, but the TRUTHS shown to us stand for themselves.
We are surrounded; we're battered, bruised, sleepless, demoralized, and running low on supplies, but we still have each other, and we do not, and will not cave. Put aside reservations. Take time if you must, to escape from politics, recover your strength; those of us still dug in and fighting hard will hold the line whilst you do.
Before you wave that white flag, remember the story of the 101st Airborne at Bastogne. They were surrounded by the enemy, facing the full fury of the German assault concentrated on their point alone. They were basically out of all supplies, including ammunition. They held their lines in the dead of a frigid and dark winter; when offered surrender, their response to the German command was a simple message: "NUTS!". Should we only be so brave. They never surrendered, and they were victorious.
We must prepare for what is to come. Some believe Q will suddenly ride in and liberate us, and for all I know that may be true. That should not change what we do, however.
Take rest. We will need as many of you as we can if we are to preserve Liberty and Justice for ALL.
We need leadership. Not just Trump, not just Q, not just some special figures whom we can never seem to make up our minds of we can trust; we need someone that will organize and devise a clear plan to victory, and see it through to the end. If no others are willing to take up that responsibility, I will do my best to do so.
If you are willing to continue fighting for justice, heed those words. I offer you no mystical out, no means of victory, no path without trial, work, and tears; but I do offer you a path. I will make a post again when everything has calmed down more, on Friday the 22nd at 7:00 P.M. Eastern, assuming it is still necessary and this forum is still up.
To be clear, I am not shilling or LARPing. I offer no hidden meanings to my words. I'm just a patriot that knows that someone needs to do something, or we are destined for a thousand years of darkness.
To be clear, my plan does not involve us performing violence. I am not condoning, promoting, advocating for, or endorsing the use of violence. There are other means for victory, means outlined in the great successes of the past by other warriors for Liberty. And, before any of you more agitated patriots (or otherwise) go claiming violence is the best way at this point, remember the Art of War: "to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting"
Recommended reading in the mean time:
I pray for our safety, happiness, and success.
My fellow Patriots,
these times may look dark. To most, it seems we have been defeated. It would be easiest to just give up; to flip over, let them won, wave the white flag; but that is not the way of goodness.
It is our turn to resist (peacefully!). Reject the calls to unity and submission. Organize, and look for the strongest ways to peacefully and powerfully resist. Now is NOT the time for pettiness or arguments, who was right, who was wrong; some magic may still happen, it may not, but regardless, it is now up to US, the PEOPLE, to save our country, and save our children. Regardless of what may have happened with the plan, the truths we have observed through the guidance of Q don't just disappear.
For the way forward, look to the writings and works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.!
I pray to God we are successful!
Never give up!!!
Man, the shills are out in FORCE!
I say we hold a friendly competition. Tally (and screenshot for proof if for some reason it's needed haha) your deportations and post updates once in a while on this thread! Whoever ends each day with the most wins the day and gets the title of "Honorary ICE Officer" I guess! (Let's say score resets every new day, EST)
Winners will be tracked here:
1.) ???
Yes, it technically is a rickroll, of sorts.
More importantly, however, it's exactly what we need right now - motivational, spiritual, and confident in the FACT that GOD WINS!
Keep singing!
God, please grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference!
I want to start a prayer chain with this post. Every prayer you say, upvote in the comments. If it isn't there already, post it as a comment yourself! Lets get these prayer numbers through the roof!
"for where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."
The Shills are making a giant charge again. Sounds like desperation to me. HOLD THAT LINE! A lot of people dooming over the "Farewell Address". Listen closely to what he says; it doesn't sound like concession - Biden is never mentioned, and he says this:
"Above all, we have reasserted the sacred idea, that in America, THE GOVERNMENT answers to the PEOPLE; our guiding light, OUR NORTH STAR, OUR UNWAVERING CONVICTION, has been that we are here to serve the noble every day citizens of America. Our allegiance is not to the special interests, corporations, or global entities. It's to our Children, our Citizens, and our Nation itself. As president, our top priority, my constant concern, has always been the best interest of american workers and american families. I did not seek the easiest course. By far, it was actually the most difficult. I did not seek the path that would get the least criticism. I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices, because that's what you elected me to do. Your need were my first and last unyielding focus. This, I hope, will be, our Greatest Legacy. Together we put the American people BACK in CHARGE of our country. We restored self-government, we restored the idea, that in America, no one is forgotten, because EVERYONE matters, and EVERYONE has a voice. We fought for the principle that EVERY citizen is entitled to equal dignity, equal treatment, and equal rights; because we are all made equal by God. Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, to have their voice heard, and to have their government listen. You are loyal to your country, and my administration was ALWAYS loyal to you. We work to build a country in which every citizen could find a great job, and support their wonderful families. We fought for the communities where every American could be safe, and schools where EVERY child could learn. We promoted a culture where our laws could be upheld, our heroes honored, our history preserved, and law abiding citizens are never taken for granted..."
Think he'd say that after this election if he isn't planning on having resolution to it?
What's more, this action would be necessary for proper execution of the plan. If Trump is to sit out for this one (to avoid appearances of coups or interference) he should be making statements like this. We may have a temporary military government, for which him passing off the reigns may be critical as well. What's more, the emphasis he places on certain ideas; helping the children, strength of the military, securing the border; him leaving the Whitehouse (not office, the building?!) I believe there is more going on (though I don't have the skills a lot of you have in finding it).
It's not over 'till it's OVER, so stay strong and BUCKLE UP!
I've read so many posts and been following so many different threads of what is happening that I think my brain has just ceased tracking any of it.
Do we know what the plans for the Durham report? I still think that would/could be the very biggest bombshell possible right now; It could expose literally everything and effectively mandate punishments and arrests explicitly.
Is that the Obamagate docs? Are these different things?
So many docs, investigations, and releases, it's getting hard for this battle-weary pede to keep up!
Still not tired of winning yet though ;)