99% of people were not using mask, Mask was Required on Tickets.

Got to Love small town America

Also Wanted to note, https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/kentucky/walking-dead-town-ky/ This is the Town Also Ground Zero for the Fake Covid-19 Scam in Kentucky.


Got one next to my work. Connected to there wifi and gab is blocked at the router.



So just chilling smoking a blunt watching this random Tommy Chong Video and he talked about how the DEA got a Job with his sons company and shipped a bong to a state were it was illegal. Causing Tommy to get a warrant on his house.

The DEA Agent got the job there because Tommy's sons company knew they were DEA and did not want to ship them anything in that state. So they just got a job there and did it there self...

Posting this bc I keep getting Random Videos of 3 Letters insiding ppl.. seems like


There was a video a few weeks back of a gentleman going over the shooting and proving it was staged. Lost the link and cant find it anyways. anyone got it saved?


https://odysee.com/@greatawakening:c/fall-of-cabal-illuminati:7 Ive been following all that has been happening for the past 60 days, New all this started way back in the day but could not put my finger on it. This Video goes over everything and explains history the correct way.

after watching , you going to wanna start a bank at your local church.


Israeli Minister Warns Israel Could Attack Iran if Biden Rejoins Nuclear Deal https://news.antiwar.com/2021/01/13/israeli-minister-warns-israel-could-attack-iran-if-biden-rejoins-nuclear-deal/

Posted Last Night Biden national security adviser suggests fast timeline to rejoin Iran deal https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/biden-iran-deal/2021/01/29/9001d8a0-625a-11eb-9430-e7c77b5b0297_story.html


This Video https://www.brighteon.com/f95e9150-f372-4f2f-af1a-12c97751986b Around 27:00 So if you take the Vaccine aka Trial Drug . There is a high chance you will die later on if you get Covid. There is No Covid-1 Vaccine , and this is why it has never made it out of trial.


https://www.presidioofmontereyhousing.com/base-directory/child-development-centers All I did was duckduckgo that phone number ;) (831) 242-7184 Hillary Notar - This person was doing the promotions | Dump: https://greatawakening.win/p/11SKBzzsqw/adrenochrome-production-records-/c/ "Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center is located at Building 4260, Seaside, CA 93955. Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center can be reached by their main phone number at (831) 242-7184. Alternatively, you can reach Child and Youth Services-Central Registration/Child Development Center by phone at (831) 583-1054. The listed DSN line is 312-768-7184. "

Buy Some your Self: https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/product/sigma/a5752?lang=en&region=US&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6L0-lx5uxuZBPe_qkTf-9uocBNNV0GZqY_vKf236T_KGabI2Tj9zBYaAmqdEALw_wcB


https://t w i t t e r . com/KamalaHarris

see how i stopped the backlink?


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If nothing Else Fails, im returning these damn pillows.

Bernie got His Mural Defaced? (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by JukEx ago by JukEx

We need them to think we lost, u are seeing alot of people on "our" side claiming defeat. Alex though he knows he can say what ever lol. If there scared they will not come.


Windows --> Linux Mint. Easy install after using Rufus to Mount ISO to USB. So nice not having to search the internet to install programs. Its all right there in 1 application. Installing WoW Classic lets see how it runs.. Load into the Live OS on the USB, Click Desktop Icon to install



Remember if you goto his Website and Checkout use Promo Code: Q 50% off https://www.mypillow.com/ I Order on the 6th, got it in 10 days I even replyed to my Order and Said Thanks to them and got a reply back ;) Now if only he would accept my Job Application lol

"JamesonPellegrino 1 point 18 minutes ago +1 / -0 rsbn code gets 66%! just heard that today.

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