How many day? (
posted ago by Jusmangan ago by Jusmangan

I have a theory on the importance of operational warp speed. It heavily relies on the plan outlined by the CDC in the following link.

As I understand it, the plan is to contain the virus by splitting up our communities into sections and designate some houses red zones or green zones. Green zones would be dedicated to the most vulnerable where they would be isolated from the rest of us (about 25% of the population). If your house was designated a green zone you would be removed to make way for the vulnerable. I would think we would need some sort of martial law to implement such a plan.

In the context of the cdc link it’s heavy references camps (refugee camps) But paying close attention to the wording it also references low income/ low recourse areas. If you click on reference link 2 it describes these areas as urban areas and provides the plan for urban control.

Pretty much the same plan but with some better graphics.

Considering when these were written the vaccine was years away, is this what operation warp speed help avoid?

My stretch prediction it that we will start to see this plan implemented in counties like Australia in the near future.

Has anyone looked at the number of celebrity Multi million dollar houses going up for sale? Feels like a lot of people are building cash reserves. Waiting for something maybe? Defense funds?


Not gonna lie, I’ve fallen for some pretty easy to spot fake posts before. But the whistle blower report from Lin Wood is a phenomenal bomb. Everything we’ve picked up about how they trade kids for gain is in it. Should be massive story by morning. But can some smarter analysts confirm for me 1) what are the chances this is fabricated? 2) is a whistleblower report subject to perjury type laws? 3) where will it go from here?


Watching this team decode pictures and events is literally amazing. You may have just trained yourself to be the new CIA or next Military Intelligence division of the United States.