I see people saying I've lost so many friends and family trying to red pill them. I ask why become a social martyr for Q? When the truth comes out... you expect these people to walk back into your life?

I got a question for you. Why did you like these people's company before Q? I bet you still share a lot of the same values. But just like when you find a new piece of information about a sports team, market trends or whatever the msm is banging on about. You talk about it with your group. But you didn't do the same about Q? They will think I'm crazy you thought if you bring up pizza gate... more develops you spend more time doing more research. You friends and family are busy living their lives. They aren't doing big digs on Q drops. So you see how they legit believe a total lie. ----trust me it's harder to trick someone then show them they have been tricked----

At some point you crack, you can't stay silent. You gotta red pill them all. So you let it all out. You open the flood gates of your research and who knows if you are making sense with your arguments. And then in frustration you say shit like. How could you be so stupid to trust the MSM. When the thought never crossed their mind before. But your wife is pissed. Rightfully so, you have disrespected her and treated her poorly for something she did not do. Now everytime these topics come up she remembers the first fight. She says oh no. Not this shit again. And then says stuff like fuck you and your stupid Q shit. All you do is read those forums. ---can you blame her? Her first intro to this shit was not a pleasant experience.---

Here is the weird part. Lots of people before Q were drifting. Drifting through their work, through their day to day. And this is a passionate group of people. We grow a lot together in community and with God. For a lot of people Q gave their lives something bigger than their own lives to work with and work on. Almost a higher meaning and purpose. So when you get shamed by your loved ones for being apart of this group you take it personally.

Now you are here. You feel alone in your real life because failed red pills have divided your family and friends. And you stand here alone. Thinking the habbening better habben soon. Cause my relationships are all on the line. --- guess what anon. We don't know when it all happens, some people are better at date fagging then others. Future proves past, evergreen ship is one of those events. Too many coincidences to say otherwise and here... no one here properly predicted it. So sharpen the shovels for digging or focus on your relationships----

If you have no clue what the next step is... take your self on a walk in a nice park. Leave everything at home. Phone, dog, wife. Make it a solo trip and go talk to God.

Two great books 7 habits of highly effective people, and extreme ownership.

TLDR; the habbenings will habben. Do not let Q and the MSM be a wedge in your relationships with your loved ones. They want you divided. You are allowed to have awake loved ones and asleep loved ones. That's ay okay. You still share a lot of the same values with these people in your life. Don't let failed red pills make failed friends or failed family relationships.

Are there fall comms? HRC fell and it was all over the place. Biden falls its all over the place. DNC'ers fall and it's all over the place. 1000 new posts all about it. Are you adding to their subterfuge? Are fall coms just distractions and not real events? Did he fall on the 17th step!?!?!??!?!?! Falling mania!!!!