I have a favor to ask. I have a daughter in engineering school. Very pragmatic. Her husband was bullied in November into getting vaccinated by his federally owned company and now she is feeling the push. It’s not helping that yesterday my adopted mom died “of covid” (many comorbidities, so more likely “with covid”) so now she is getting scared and wants me to take the vaccine with her because she has been doing a lot of “reading” on studies from places like NIH and isn’t scared of it anymore. Told her I am not taking the damned vaccine and it’s ON.

I’m taking care of ill family members with covid, processing grief and trying to juggle work (self employed) and I’m too tired and sad and overwhelmed to search on my own.

Can anyone send me some links that will appeal to a scientific mind? It has to be heavily credentialed or she will pooh pooh it as non-authoritative. I haven’t sent her a lot of the stuff I have seen-- it would just start the eye rolling—because mom, who has worked in the healthcare for 30 years knows even less than Jon Snow. I hoped she would find it on her own.

Evidentially she isn’t. So if she is thinking of getting the vaccine now, I am going to send her some data showing the other side. I can’t bombard her because she dismiss/delete it all. She has her mother’s temper.

I need a couple of inarguable studies or something to make her pause.

I know its unfair to ask you to do the work. I just can’t, today. I’m hoping someone out there already has them, set aside and can send me an easy link and it isn’t too much trouble. Thanks in advance. If it wasn't for GAW, I would have given up on so much, so long ago.


One ounce coins back in stock. I can't wait to get them :) Says "extremely limited quantities". They've been out each time I checked before, so wanted to give you guys a heads up, if interested.

I know the design on the coin doesn't matter in the long run... but it just makes me smile.


My fiance asked me last night what i thought about the mandates. I said it sounded like the biggest distraction EVER, and smells like desperation.

So what's the current status of the audits?


Here we go. My unvaxxed fiancé works for a well known company as a Purchaser. They wont let him travel anymore or go to any vital meetings because he is a "liability". Even if he pays for the travel himself and wears a mask (which he detests but has agreed to do in an effort to do his job well), they still wont allow him to attend. He is the only one in his department of 19 that isn't vaccinated. NOW they have scheduled a meeting with him to discuss his "vaccine hesitancy". He is livid but knows enough to not quit. I am lucky enough to be a subcontractor who works from home so my income will not be effected. But we need his too. He will never get vaccinated. I wish I could help soothe him in some way, he is so agitated this morning about all this crap. Tonight we are going to start printing out materials to study so he is prepared for his upcoming coercion meeting. I hate this shit.


Thanks in advance for your input!


So I went for my dental cleaning this morning and they tried to push me to buy their special dental plan (I have no dental insurance). I told them that's Ok, I am self pay and didnt want it. Then they informed me I needed x-rays (which would cost just a bit less than their plan, making it a BiG BaRgAiN). I told them they took my x-rays last year and I didnt need them again, I was just there for a cleaning.

Then the receptionist said, "Oh we cant see you if you don't get x-rays, It the LAW. Everyone has to get them once a year."

I said, "Really? That's interesting, may I please have a copy of that law for my own reference?"

She got flustered and went and got the office manager. The office manager cooly asked, "May I please ask what your concern is?"

I said, "My concern is that I do not like unnecessary procedures (I'm a RN).

She stated in an authoritative tone, "Everyone need annual x-rays and we would be negligent if we did not take x-rays of our clients."

I asked in an authoritative tone, "Where is this LAW that determines that all dental patients need annual x-rays?"

She said, "I'll go and get the dentist for you."

The dentist arrived, all friendly and charming, "What's the problem?"

I said all friendly, charming, and chatty back, 'There isn't a problem. I'm being told I must comply to a LAW and I want to see the copy of the law. Easy Peazy,"

He hemmed and hawed, "Well, I dont know that its a law--"

"It isn't," I interrupted, "I checked."

He went on, "But as a dentist I personally feel that I cant treat you properly without annual x-rays and it is our policy."

"THERE it is", I pointed out, "It's a policy, not a law. That's what I thought."

He was red. "But its a policy that is strictly adhered to and we will not treat you without x-rays."

"Oh NO PROBLEM, I've quite lost interest in being treated here anyway. I don't like being manipulated and I was being manipulated so that you could have guaranteed annual revenue. Annual x-rays on every patient is a lot of money, I get it. SO you all have a nice day and I will find another dentist office."

I walked out but noted with some dismay at all of the jaws dropped in the waiting room.

I should have said to them before I left...."I'm waking up. Please, YOU wake up too."


I totally SINCERELY felt sorry for them.


I've only been following this stuff for about 18mos but I don't get all the lists of arrests and executions. And Posters making reference to someone having been secretly dead for years or being held in Gitmo.....?? I've never seen anything to suggest they're true. Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE for them to be true but.... where's definitive evidence?

Are these examples of the LARPing I also hear about?

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