I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone here. To the knowledgeable ones that are so talented in digging and being able to present the data that is very easy to understand. To the meme makers that despite hurting my sides, complete my day. To the faggots and shills spreading bullshit, or trying to plant subtle seeds that try and put people back to conformity, brainwashing people with assumed ideas. Nice try faggots. To the faggots that have called me a three letter agency shill, your retardation makes me laugh. And finally, the mods: for keeping helping make this place positive and high energy.
Thank you for reading.
…and overheard a colleague talk about how his father had required “unexpected” major heart surgeries over the Christmas break.
Just before the break, I overheard another conversation from another lady who spoke of cardiac issues and use the line “iT cOuLd hAvE bEeN wOrSe”.
And earlier last year, someone in my floor died “unexpectedly” and the cause of death was “uNkNoWn”.
I’m no longer passing judgement on them, in fact I am feeling quite sorry for humanity. But my thoughts on what needs to happen to the criminals is still very strong and will never change. And should the time come in my generation that services are required to catch people, I will make sure I play a part.
Just overheard a conversation of the work drones in my office that I overheard from the partition:
- 21 year old having a stroke
- “it could have been worse”
Who sat, hoped, and waited all this time since the 2020 steal. I love the Orange Man Rad since he helped me wake up in 2016, but I diverted focus, with the initial disappointment of course, of the 2020 steal. I hoped for arrests or some sort of 2020 resolution today, instead we got something else. For optics? Maybe. But I’m not fussed, because I never sat in front of my keyboard hitting F5 every hour waiting for that good news.
If you’re upset right now and don’t know what to do. Get the fuck away from the keyboard and work towards something. Something that prepares you and your loved ones in the future. I can’t be the only one who’s doing this, and I’m sure there’s a lot more that have been doing it for a long time. Whether it is to physically strengthen yourself, exercising your brain by reading more books, taking part in helping your community in some way, making yourself more self sufficient, all off the above.
When “amnesty” gets rolled out, your strength and fitness may help you be more effective at the manhunt. Or when fixing 2020 is finally under way, your leadership may come into play.
Don’t wait. Don’t idolise. Don’t hope. Action is guaranteed. Aim for something, go to it, and DON’T FUCKING STOP.
Just listening to Alan Watts, one of many people I’ve been listening to. For this particular talk, he doesn’t quite talk about dehipnotisation. We all know many other more prominent characters say the same thing, I don’t need to point out who they are. I remember when I spent most of my time fighting in the frontlines, using the White Rose stickers. They were effective, simple, as easy to do but time consuming, and as I found, somewhat dangerous only when you live in a neighbourhood populated by rabid cultists and retards. I started putting certain car tools in my jeans pocket, you know, just in case I need to “help” people on the streets that needed it. Anyway, I was wondering, what tools do others’ employ, that they find effective, in waking people up. I’m actually particularly interested in those that are non-verbal. Thank you.