My friend, who is a nurse and works for a naturopath, told me an old colleague was put on Pravastatin, a cholesterol drug, and Maraviroc, an HIV drug, for long Covid and got 90% better.

She had a lady last week (70 years old) who told the naturopath that her primary doctor wants her to get an HIV test because she's never had one.

She talked to a girl at her practice who every time she's in a room with one or more shot up people, she gets a migraine and heavy vaginal bleeding.

She has a home patient that she visits whose son is in the hospital with leukemia. She is in a nurses group and right now he is at least the 7th person that they have heard about who has been diagnosed with leukemia. She has a friend whose niece is 30 and getting worked up for leukemia also (no prior health problems.) It doesn't matter how many jabs they've had. One lady only had one Moderna. Some of the people were perfectly healthy with no prior problems. Some had health problems that were severely exacerbated after the shot(s).

As much as despise them, they are masterful at this.

Projection. Deflection. Gaslighting. The perverse habit of accusing opponents of the very sins the deep state is guilty of. They won't suspect us if we blame them first for exactly what we're doing.

Whatever the media says is happening, it's the opposite. It's simple to decipher all of this. It's the opposite.

A great example of this just happened. I wanted to do a little online research to decipher my thoughts to you, so I went to deep state contributor, Google. When I googled "projection as a political weapon" one of the first hits I got was an entire article about how Trump uses this tactic with examples of why to follow.

But it's THEM. They're using it right there when they tell us that Trump uses it. Because it's their only playbook. It's total brainwashing manipulation.

A true story from my sister's ER experience in leftie shithole Philly - Enjoy the win...

Ron got to the ER ahead of me by about 10 or 15 minutes and I was trying to rush to see him. When you go to the ER, it's like a security checkpoint with x-ray machines for your stuff. So I go through and I have my cloth mask on, and this skinny little young commie security guard tells me that I need to put THEIR (the hospital) mask on.

He reaches into this big pile of masks with salad tongs and hands me one. I said "Oh, no thank you, I have one like that, that I just got out of a package." Normally, I never wear masks and am firm about that but I had no choice, I had to in order to get into the ER to help Ron. Commie starts yelling at me saying I need to put his on. I said "No thank you I have my own." So he chases me through the entrance of the emergency room into the waiting room where I'm trying to get to Ron, who is doubled over in pain. Commie is yelling behind me that it's policy that I need to wear their mask.

So that ends and I'm with Ron for maybe 10 or 15 minutes and he is in excruciating pain. He can't sit or stand. So I went up to the check-in and asked one of the girls if there would be a stretcher he could lay on. She said "No, he has to wait his turn because his vital signs are stable, we can't take him back right now." Then she points to a chair and says "Tell him to lay on that." I said "Please, can you let him lay on a stretcher, he is in agony."

Well, with that, here comes skinny little young commie security guard hysterically screaming that he was going to throw me out of the hospital, I came in with an attitude, I'm not listening to anything. He was waving his arms, screaming, telling me he was going to throw me out of the hospital. I couldn't believe it!

So of course Ron goes over to him and tells him he better not disrespect his wife. Commie tells him to come outside so they can fight. He was 5'3".

He was in Ron's face so they called a Code Orange over the loudspeaker for all of the security guards in the hospital to come down. There were witnesses everywhere saying that Commie was an absolute lunatic, so they carried him out and FIRED him!

After all that happened, they whisked us through a back door into a room and we were seen immediately. That was not my intention but you know.

At the end of our night when we were finally home, Ron tells me that while I was talking to the other security guards and they were telling me they were going to escort Commie out, Ron went over, pulled his mask down and got in Commie's face and said "I'm going to break your f*king ass" with gritted teeth.

Ah, a win for the Patriots tonight, frens.

Vaccinated plasma is being used without caution or labeling in infusions for the sick