Hello Florida Pedes, just been here in south Florida for a couple months, from TX, been in Thailand for the 8 yrs before. Setting up a farm/nursery here, my son needs to go to PRE-K. How in the heck do I do the vaccine exemption here? TX allows me to do it online, no questions asked. What do I have to do? I understand it is the 681 form but where do I get this? What do I do? Please explain to me like a mild retard, because of reasons. Thank you.


Hello Florida Pedes, just been here in south Florida for a couple months, from TX, been in Thailand for the 8 yrs before. Setting up a farm/nursery here, my son needs to go to PRE-K. How in the heck do I do the vaccine exemption here? TX allows me to do it online, no questions asked. What do I have to do? I understand it is the 681 form but where do I get this? What do I do? Please explain to me like a mild retard, because of reasons. Thank you.

Its all so.... (m.youtube.com)
posted ago by KekPlusOne ago by KekPlusOne

So Micron Biomedical https://micronbiomedical.com

they ding dang coming up with a new vaccine delivery system using disolving microneedle patches. The technology is actually pretty cool albeit terrifying as to what this could lead to. And if you read the studies, they went through quite alot to test the technology (pressure sensors...) The problem is they will be using the same old vaccines flu, polio, mmr, MRNA; ya know all these vaccines that we can prove to be unsafe and ineffective, through fancy wordpapers and what not. Still the same old ingredients with no placebo controlled testing (thimerosol and aluminum adjuvants for example) so they seem to have missed the point entirely and instead of addressing the actual problems with the vaccines, they just decided to create a new delivery system, which no one even ever asked for. I AM ASKING FOR HELP FROM MY FRENS, help me to "debunk" all their retardation into something legible that we can send them, as all employee info is easily available online. 4chan homos were not into the idea, but i think theres a chance at making change....a cease and desist letter? Anyways i dont wanna have to take a patch morning noon and night to "prevent the sniffles".

They have also been funded by BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION 🙄





Ozone Dentistry (fluoridealert.org)
posted ago by KekPlusOne ago by KekPlusOne