Hello there was wondering if anyone had the links to the post covid shot detox protocol that was posted a while ago. Family member took the first shot and now wants to detox ASAP (no damage currently Thank God)


As we all know now DJT was removed from twitter after the capitol fake riots. What if Potatus Biden who most of us believe is being controlled by either the white or black hats posts "The Storm is upon us" to his twitter. What would this mean ? How likely is this to happen? Feel free to poke holes in my theory

Hi friends I needs all the covid redpills you have like mistaken numbers, test fail rate, vaccine deaths, big pharma and bill gates connection etc. Pretty much everything to show my family they shouldn't believe the MSM fear porn. Thanks

Tonight the fall of the evil ones is at hand. we have been directed by the highest authority to wipe out this insurgent satanic order that threatens the Kingdom of God. Keep the memes dank and move out

Ps just I know nothing just enjoying this movie and Star wars Battlefront 2 (2005) was a cool game.


Rock and roll boss I think we are ready