I was laughing at my desk the other day, after seeing an article from the lame stream media that Trump is not a savior, or that we think he's some kind of christ, besides them in the past calling Obama the messiah, they are treating Trump more like Christ than the people who love Trump are. Christ was dragged in front of the courts with an unjust series of charges, that is the only way that they were able to get him, Unjust lawfare, after he brought the light exposing their indigent oppressive ways, Trump was a bringer of God's exposing light, and these demons of darkness do not like to be exposed so they are trying to destroy him for it and they are using the courts to do it.
Love to hear your thoughts on this thank you
Okay guys hear me out. The premise of the whole show is Santa Claus retiring before his time. And the person that is put in charge is not legitimate because he never puts on the coat making him the Santa Claus, and on top of that he absolutely wrecking Christmas. The elves have no choice but to follow along. On top of that the 17th Santa helps Tim Allen get on the right track. And finally assumes the mantle of Santa Claus once again in the nick of time, and the last song of the show is Trump's rallies "you can't always get what you want." Long shot I know but whoever have watched it I'd like to know your thoughts.
And what is the assurances and guarantees that Lake a fair and honest trial
All of you hoping that God was going to help us in the midterms. Just remember jesus's disciples, wanted to be liberated from Rome but Jesus was going to liberate them from something darker and more sinister for way longer. God doesn't work in the way we expect , call out to him anyway and ask for help but don't question the way he helps us.
This is not over till it's truly over. Love you guys it's input
This is not over till it's truly over. Love you guys it's input
No dooming please
And the whole thing was fabricated up. He allegedly had been caught with a young girl was not his family in his car crash.
Anybody can help me verify this at much appreciate it
No excuses after today what's your thoughts on this my fellow Patriots
He says it fails if nobody wants us
Thanks guys I appreciate it
Asking for a friend
Just asking for personal reasons
So what do you guys think that this is going on here? Did the actor intentionally not blink to draw attention to the color of his eyes ?very strange if you ask me.
Can anybody help me verify this or heard at least the same thing thank you