Why was undine53 banned?


Just wondering what others are thinking and sorry if talked about already. With Durham's trial on the POS that he was found not guilty do you think this falls under the Q post where he ask how do you get evidence introduce legally( or how he said it if I miss quoted it) Thanks for answers and opinions just wondering what others are thinking.


I love you guys and you have help me keep up the fight, and have always been a good source for any question. My question is are any of you being bombarded with links to a Trump Gold card? It sure seems strange and impossible for what they are promising with it. I say it must be fake but had a video with DTJ on it. If fake who do you think is pushing? Thanks frens


All these people yelling "My body my choice" JUST WHERE the hell were these people when they were forcing mask and the vax? They can not even see how much of a hypocrite they are. And then they are in such an uproar when all the SC is doing is putting it back into the state hands


I believe with Elon acquiring Twitter that now Zuckerfuck will now double down on the way he thinks Facebook should be which as left always does will just be him shooting himself in the foot. Everything the left does blows up in their face. So enjoy frens and get your Popcorn quick because I see a shortage coming this is going to be very interesting for awhile now. NCSWIC We are winning slowly but surely. Love you guys and keep your spirits up because it is OUR TIME NOW


We interrupt this broadcast to report COVID is missing. Last seen with Democrat leaders. We believe it was abducted and hidden somewhere, and are asking the public for help.If seen do not approach unless Triple Masked and a Face Shield. Also make sure you are wearing gloves because it is contagious and deadly.


Did Jeff Zucker step down because of a relationship issue or is it really because a BIG Trump supporter is going to be aquiring CNN through buying Warner Media? What do you think?


Sorry if this has been asked before, but curious if anyone else thinks the same. Does it appear to anyone else like the shortages in stores is being rotated from one thing to another? It looks like where I live that one week it is this then a week or two it switches to something else while the previous is no shortage again.Like the shortages are being manipulated. Sorry typo on title frens

Anybody hear anything on this lately?


Went on vacation Christmas Eve and shut all media and stuff off since then to spend time with the Grand Babies and I am back now. Just wondering if any Good news or important stuff happened while away. Would appreciate any info on anything I may have missed other than the daily stuff

Does anyone know if buying these TRUMP coins is a good thing? I keep getting bombarded with messages to buy a bunch of them


Got to run folks but Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Funny but could be kind a cool to. Do we have any ideas on design? But we should get shirts that say WE ARE KYLE


LauraAboli, [05.11.21 10:34] [Forwarded from Laura Aboli] The ‘Spanish Flu’ of 1918, did not actually originate in Spain. Spain was simply the first country to report on it. In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported. The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men. Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a ‘flu’ at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, the U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history. They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines. Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.
Instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors intensified them, calling it the great “Spanish Flu of 1918”. As a result, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED.

Sounds familiar? Lets hope history does not repeat itself. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻



Remember when Democrats were saying it was going to be a BLUE WAVE? Well it looks like it is turning into A BLUE UNDERTOW

I just came across a post on here that an anon called for boycotting Macy's and the Parade. That is good yes but Maybe we should get lists together on Company's and Businesses that are forcing their employees to get the jab to keep their jobs so we can Boycott them as much as possible too.


Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a COVID-19 body. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather as a bacteria that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by clotting in the blood. It was found that Covid-19 disease causes blood clots, which leads to blood clotting in humans, and causes blood to clot in the veins, making it difficult for a person to breathe; Because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.

To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory power, doctors in Singapore did not listen to WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened and carefully examined the arms, legs and other parts of the body, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen in the body causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, Singapore's Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100mg and Imromac. As a result, patients began to recover and their health began to improve. Singapore's Ministry of Health evacuated more than 14,000 patients in one day and sent them home. After a period of scientific discovery, doctors in Singapore explained the method of treatment by saying that the disease was a global hoax, “It is nothing but intravascular coagulation (blood clots) and a method of treatment. antibiotic tablets Anti-inflammatory and Take anticoagulants (aspirin). This indicates that the disease can be cured. According to other Singapore scientists, ventilators and an intensive care unit (ICU) were never needed. Protocols for this purpose have already been published in Singapore. China already knows this, but has never released its report. Share this information with your family, neighbors, acquaintances, friends and colleagues so that they can shake off the fear of Covid-19 and realize that this is not a virus, but a bacteria that has only been exposed to radiation. Only people with very low immunity should be careful. This radiation also causes inflammation and hypoxia. Victims should take Asprin-100mg and Apronik or Paracetamol 650mg.

Source: Singapore Ministry of Health


I know this may not be much to talk about but for some reason it clicked hard this morning. I stop at one of my regular gas station and was getting read to fuel the ride and notice that the fuel price was the highest I have seen here since this fiasco all began. Now I know here in Texas where I am we are usually lower than the National average, but this is looking worse everyday. These fuel prices alone should help wake people up and if they are not awake yet or starting to wake up I fear they never will. I believe we are past the time where anyone with some intelligence should have woke up. Well anons love you guys and I am trying everything to keep my head up but it is getting harder and harder. Maybe the guys post from yesterday about being stocked up by Saturday way have some credibility to it.


Frens i am excited and with things happening lately it does appear we are very near the end and at the point of truth being exposed. I know we are all exhausted and tired of the two more weeks crap, but we must keep going. I am going to do some serious praying tonight and we all need to. I am ready for a celebration and some positive in our lives. Fellow anons I hope tomorrow is as BIG as we want it to be. I know a lot have grown weary and so have I, but we must keep focus and push ahead to complete this journey. I pray for all of you and hope all is well with each and everyone of you. And I pray come tomorrow we have some shred of light that good things are coming. Frens make sure you pray tonight for a GRAND TOMORROW. Goodnight all and hope to see everyone tomorrow and hope for some GREAT NEWS ALSO.


Fellow anons I am getting off and just wanted to wish everyone a Great Labor Day Weekend. Remember all the Great things we have and that We live in the most awesome country in the world friends. Love You guys and I will see you Tuesday.


With all these company's coming out with vax mandates or charging money/deducting money for those who are not vaxed, Could that not fall under discrimination? And if so that can lead to a lawsuit. Not an attorney at all just pondering an idea


One question I have and have not seen anyone talking about, that may possibly help wake people up too. Where is the Covid-19 in Afghanistan? No one wearing masks and are in very close proximity to each other, no one dying from it Afgans or Taliban. WTF people should be thinking about this and questioning. Could be a really big redpill.


My friends that has long been a saying for me. We are starting to see people on the left realize that things are not going well. They are starting to loose faith and turn away from The Biden Team and eventually they will on the Media too. If we can just get them to start questioning things than we have planted the seed. That is all we need to get things really rolling. People have been conditioned too long and therefore think as they are told to and repeat what they are told. They have been programmed like a zombie, but if we can get them to start and wake and question than they will start to see and seek truth. And we need to be patient with them and help them along the way friends.


Fellow anon's we have been handed a Golden Opportunity Now. With the Afghanistan failure our Leftist's Brothers and Sisters are starting to really see how bad the Biden Team is. The Media will not be able to keep him on a pedestal much longer. We have been handed an opportunity to start and really open theirs eyes. We must not and will not fail in this task. We are in a FULL STEAM ahead wave now. God Bless everyone of you and your families, and God Please Bless us with the strength and fortitude to awaken our friends and neighbors and support them in this Great Awakening.

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