Just riffing with Novax'd tennis player.

Ball is in their caught now.

How will they return.

Gamestop hitting 113. 11.3? Multiple meanings...

Angels & Demons. (Film) CERN. Anti matter. 503. D3. Gallileos 3rd text. Diagram of truth. Pope refusal to look up through the looking glass. Netflix film "Don't look up". NASA James Webb. NASA spacecraft to hit asteroid. NASA 24 hire.

Religion v Scientism.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Bannon always refers to Mike Lindell as the armor piercing shell.

Could this indicate we need to wait for Mike's supreme court case(s) to reach any verdicts before we realise for sure the Biden regime is entirely illegimate (more so than we realise now).

Will this bring down the house?

Does this expose them from their coat of armor?

Do this inform us where to attack?

Do this instigate lawfare? Q told us something inparticular was effective?

Does this expose for sure the devolution theory?

Admiral Bannon? Fire away?


Just look at those ambassadors.


I do not want these people anywhere near buildings.

This smells fishy. 2030, UN sustainability goals written all over it.

What do you guys think?