I don't see anyone talking about the fact that there are members of committees being denied access to meetings with the joint chiefs because they aren't sworn in right now. WH and IC running with no oversight. Congress in the blind.


Pandemic Amnesty... (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by Kissaki ago by Kissaki

This whole story about the crazy TikTok HR lady has really got me thinking. She has opened a big can of worms, by saying the quiet part out loud so confidently. She has obviously opened herself and her employers up to MASSIVE liability, and exposed HR for what it is - gossiping angry liberal women - but there may be bigger story here.

Facebook hidden tracking. Q has mentioned how FB tracks people, even when they have no FB account, and that we would be amazed by how much info they have and where it is stored... My bet is that it is stored with HR.

I am thinking back to job interviews I had with a couple VERY large companies. The first interviews went amazingly, the one with the people in my actual field. I thought it was a slam dunk, got the vibe that the job was mine. Then they asked if HR could check my social media. I responded that I didn't have a social media presence and just used email and text to communicate with my friends and family. I thought it was weird that BOTH times they said "Well, we still need to check, is it ok"?

If angry SJW women read my posts here I have a feeling I know why I didn't get the jobs.

We may have stumbled onto something BIG here...

FB did start as DARPA LifeLog.


Blue check-mark and everything.


What would you do if you were a doctor/nurse who had been handing out remdesivir and ventilators to patients, to keep your job, while preventing patient access to IVM/HCQ.

Then everyone found out you were using ivermectin for your own family in secret.

How do you prove something happened "knowingly"?

Alberta activates Emergency Alert System. (www.emergencyalert.alberta.ca)
posted ago by Kissaki ago by Kissaki

Since we are fixing to crush the covid mandate thing, we should go for the gold. You don't win by defending, you win on the offensive.

No forced medical procedures of any kind.

Forbidden for a school or employer to mention it at all, like other private medical info.

End the "drug war", aka prescription drug enforcement racket.