by Koanic
Koanic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Still automodded. Here's the version with links.

Koanic 0 points ago +1 / -1

This question is addressed in the section, "Arizona's rivers".

The OP appears to have been removed by the moderators. I suspect they are not open to anything from Paul Furber, even if I do not agree with Furber's interpretations.

Koanic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dead men tell no tales

I live in China, so I did not expect this story to touch me personally, but it did. I mentioned Watchers once guarded the secrets of Calalus. After posting the above link to Reddit, I received a dream visit from a phantom nightmare. He was a prospector who stumbled on Calalus 100-200 years ago, I sensed. That is my first undeniably psychic experience. (Undeniable to me.) He's a friend now. I tell the full story here:

[A phantom prospector guarding buried treasure gave me an Indiana Jones sleep paralysis nightmare. | Koanic] (link removed per rules)

I am the furthest thing from a prospector, preferring the great indoors, but I suspect this article is another clue:

Reading the Peralta Stone Maps | DesertUSA

PIC: Peralta stone crosses and heart

I also found a list of prospectors who died searching for the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine, one of whom could be Smokey Brown (my nickname for the anonymous phantom):

Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine | Wikipedia

  • Adolph Ruth, died 1931 at age 66. Body found after national publicity, likely exhumed to quell interest. Skull showed point-blank long-gun round to the skull. Skull distant from body. Peralta maps stolen. Checkbook claims he found it. AZ government whitewashed obvious murder.
  • Mining electrician J.A. "Tex" Bradford, died 1933. Missing.
  • James A Cravey, photographer, died 1947 at age 62. Presumed murdered. Skull missing.

I believe Smokey Brown to be Adolph Ruth, based on his feeling of antiquity and the quiet pride I feel from him, that he found it. Ruth was a dedicated searcher for lost mines, which fits the Indiana Jones vibe I got from him. Bradford the electrician feels too modern, and Cravey the photographer feels too superficial.

Adolph Ruth was clearly murdered. The primary cover story of suicide is impossible. The secondary cover story is two anonymous greedy prospectors. The source of this cover story is the man who tried to dissuade him from the expedition, Tex Barkely. It is likely Tex knew about the Watchers who guarded the mine. His ranch was ideally positioned to monitor prospectors seeking the mine, and therefore he likely worked for the Watchers in some capacity.

Tex Barkely also led the first unsuccessful search for Ruth's body. I suspect Ruth was not killed where he was found. Otherwise the summer vultures would have made it easy to find Ruth's rotting body. Rather, Ruth was soul trapped and interred underground. Later, his remains were exhumed when national publicity threatened to bring hordes of searchers.

No future skulls were found, with or without bullet holes. I assume they were also shot in the head, but the skulls were interred to prevent everyone from concluding that Ruth was certainly murdered. I don't know how soul-trapping works, but I wouldn't be surprised if it involves decapitation of the corpse as a step in the process. The talking skull trope might have some basis in reality. The head and heart are presumably the body parts most closely connected to one's soul.

My Father's Search for the Lost Dutchman - By: Northcutt Ely | DesertUSA Forums

Northcutt Ely was a lawyer who argued before the Supreme Court and served in the Hoover Administration. Ely's account confirms Ruth found the mine near Weaver's Needle and entered it. The Roman inscription "Veni Vidi Vici" seems to have been written 200 feet across from the mine, corroborating that the mine was Roman. It is an odd phrase for Ruth to use, but an absolutely appropriate one for the Roman founders of Calalus, who conquered the surrounding tribes.

Ely says the Superstition Mountains were named after an Indian legend that an evil spirit guarded its gold mine and killed men seeking it. He counts as fact 20 men who died seeking it.

The Wikipedia account diverges substantially from Ely's, in ways that make Ruth's death less suspicious. I don't know which is correct, so I used Wikipedia's version where they conflict.

Smokey Brown's phantom nightmares may have been a well-intentioned way of dissuading other prospectors from sharing his fate. It is not strange that he found me after I publicized the story on Reddit, since his original job may have been dissuading those attracted to the mine by publicity.

Objection: "Omitted is American greed, grit & hustle. Are we to believe that, during westward expansion, gold rushes & fights with protocorporations over mineral rights, easements & access to waterways throughout American history, that someone or group of people really knew about gold, hid it & never harvested it?"

Indeed. Northcutt Ely states as fact that 20 men died seeking the gold mine, presumably Americans. One suspects the reason the Illuminati ceased to exploit the gold mine after the Peraltas is that Americans could not be controlled sufficiently to mine it without revealing the neighboring Atlantean secrets.

Major mining operations may have continued, conducted by a subterranean workforce, but I doubt it. I believe humans own the surface mining rights. Otherwise the deposits would be long gone.

Perhaps the skeleton crew paid themselves in mining time when they weren't headshotting Apaches and senior citizens.


Koanic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Transpacific crossing

Secret circumnavigation

From Find The Ship:

And how did the Romans get here? Their ships sailed from Rome east not west, around India and into the Pacific Ocean.

The colonists of Calalus went around Africa to reach Arizona, an incredible feat. Then again, they had maps whereas the later Age of Sail discoverers did not. The tricky part of deep-ocean sailing is not leaving land, but finding it again.

700 years later, Europeans would again circumnavigate the Cape of Good Hope in response to the Ottoman Empire cutting off trade through the Red Sea to India. Vasco de Gama officially established the sea route to India in 1498.

The compass was important to the 15th century Age of Discovery, and one suspects that the compass was one of the secret technologies by which the Roman Illuminati cemented their lengthy rule. Knowledge of the Earth's magnetic field sounds like something they would preserve in their esoteric traditions.

Europeans officially discovered the Americas by crossing the Atlantic, but the Pacific crossing is easier. There are multiple routes, depending on the season. Knowing the prevailing winds and general geography makes the vast emptiness of the Pacific much less forbidding.

- Expert advice: How to sail across the Pacific Ocean | YachtingWorld

Why not take the Atlantic route instead? Maybe they did that too. However, Cape Horn is much more dangerous than the Cape of Good Hope. The Atlantic ocean is generally more dangerous than the Pacific, despite being smaller.

The colonists initially wished to reach Arizona. Thus the Pacific was the safest route, since they could use the Polynesians to launch themselves at the unmissable Americas. The return voyage to Europe is not as simple, but anonymous sources claim they did it, somehow

“The ship was constructed in Arizona, a standard vessel of the time, wooden with improvements inspired by discoveries made in the range, with Roman symbols that was capable of sailing around the world. And it did several times.” (Thedawnishere, July 2022)

The treasure ship was built with Atlantean improvements, possibly making it the equal of ships used during the Age of Discovery. The original Roman/Byzantine ships that the colonists arrived in were probably not capable of circumnavigating the globe.

Arizona's rivers

Those familiar with Arizona's rivers today find it incredible that Roman ships could navigate them. Much can change in 1,200 years. For example, Europe experienced a major climate shift recently:

The Medieval Warm Period (MWP), also known as the Medieval Climate Optimum or the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, was a time of warm climate in the North Atlantic region that lasted from c. 950 to c. 1250.[

Medieval Warm Period | Wikipedia

From Find The Ship:

In ancient times Calalus was much wetter than it is today–ships could make their way from the Salt River to very near Oz (Eldorado, Dec 2007). The whole area served as a transportation hub for Calalus colonists in their extensive mining operations. Ships plied the Salt River a great deal further east and west from Calalus, even to the Pacific.

Before irrigation drained them, Arizona's rivers were considerably more navigable:

From Wikipedia:

The next contractors George Alonzo Johnson with his partner Benjamin M. Hartshorne, brought two barges and 250 tons of supplies arriving at the river's mouth in February 1852, on the United States transport schooner Sierra Nevada under Captain Wilcox. Poling the barges up the Colorado, the first barge sank with its cargo a total loss. The second was finally, after a long struggle poled up to Fort Yuma, but what little it carried was soon consumed by the garrison.

Colorado River | Wikipedia

The Gila River and its main tributary, the Salt River, were both perennial streams carrying large volumes of water – the Gila was once navigable by large riverboats from its mouth to near Phoenix, and by smaller craft from Phoenix nearly to the Arizona-New Mexico border

Gila River | Wikipedia


Few people realize that the Gila is one of the longest rivers in the West. That’s because it’s typically drained dry before getting halfway through its 500-mile voyage west to the Colorado River near Yuma, AZ. Once navigable by large riverboats from its mouth to Phoenix, the Gila below Phoenix today crosses the Gila River Indian Reservation as an intermittent trickle due to large irrigation diversions.

Coverup and Quarantine

The coverup of civilizations predating man's official history by institutions such as the Smithsonian and Harvard is an ongoing policy of large-skulled elite bloodlines who retained their culture from prior Ages of Man, using their gnosis to rule from the shadows. Remnants of their technology too large to hide, such as the Great Pyramids, we assume to be merely recent monuments to folly instead of powerful artifacts beyond our current comprehension.

Illuminati are characterized by psychic ability, esoteric secret knowledge, and Legally restricted ability to interfere with human free will. Asimov explores the idea of a psychic elite in the sci-fi novel the Second Foundation. Due to Illuminati influence, many "debunked hoaxes" are anything but. Anakim-sized giants with six fingers and double-rows of teeth are just one example. A number of supposedly-mythical races inhabit ancient lithosphere caverns which humans are forbidden to explore. Human exploration of Antarctica and the Moon are limited for similar reasons.

Earth has been Quarantined for most of humanity's written history, due to genetic engineering abuses culminating in a war between aliens involving WMDs that is documented in the Mahabharata. These Divinely-ordained Legal restrictions on direct external contact with humans force alien influence campaigns to go underground. One way of doing so is by superficially concealing them as hoaxes, for no apparent rational motive. The goal is to reach receptive people without forcing a revolution in humanity's beliefs. This sounds strange from our materialistic perspective, but aliens know that soul evolution is both the purpose of life and a great source source of practical power. The military applications of instantaneous telepathic communication are obvious, for example. Whereas we consider our ignorance a curse, it is actually a carefully-contrived blessing. Do you learn more by being told the answer, or by figuring it out for yourself? The Cosmos is constructed to minimize conflict and permit a diversity of paths to the Divine.

For example, a major part of someone's spiritual journey on Earth is deciding whether one believes in the supernatural. This is why paranormal topics are suppressed in the mainstream media. Paranormal events themselves are regulated, and ultimately this is due to the Divine Law of Free Will which attempts to preserve the freedom of belief of sapient beings. This Law applies to all beings, so always consider the character of any source of religious revelation.

Like the Roman ship off Brazil, Calalus has been warded, obfuscated and guarded until now, on the eve of WW3, the death of one America providing hope for another. Public proof of alien involvement on Earth opens the door to First Contact without violating the Prime Directive. This alien peacemaking priority has been evidenced by decades of reports of heavy UFO activity around reactors and nuclear weapons.

Medvedev made the announcement of alien presence on behalf of the Russian government. However, the US government does not want Disclosure, fearing collapse will ensue: religious, financial, and military morale.

We have laws protecting indigenous tribes from unwanted contact. So do aliens. If Americans want Open First Contact, they will have to dig up the ship themselves. The Atlantian artifacts therein are from a time when aliens and humans lived together.


The confluence of Pseudo-Christian mythology with occultism and UFO/Alien stuff always yields that strangest and most morbidly fascinating reading material. I do wish people would have a more skeptical mind though.

I do not recommend taking religious guidance from anonymous strangers involved in vast conspiracies. Consider that the sources may simply be forbidden to tell the Truth about such matters, and are forced to invent appealing fictions instead.

Sitchin's hybrids

As for Sitchin and the alien hybridization theory, if you think modern genetic science is good at detecting hybridization events, ask yourself whether you believe the official explanation of the duckbilled platypus. Eugene McCarthy's Hybrid Stabilization Theory corrects mainstream evolution by recognizing that ancestry is a web, not a tree. Animals have cross-species sex and occasionally the offspring are interfertile with one parent species.

Given modern science doesn't even correctly classify animal descent, it is certainly wrong about the origin of the elongated skulls of Paracas and Egypt (and elsewhere), with their superhuman brain volume, which cannot be induced by head binding. Institutional suppression of inconvenient narratives by large-skulled ultra-wealthy Illuminati bloodlines adequately explains the failure to account for facts.

Humans have evolved much faster than comparable species. Our tremendous ethnic diversity is substantially due to hybridization programs by numerous alien races. Thus there is no chance of singling out any one group as having "alien DNA", unless it is a recent hybrid, in which case the person will probably look visibly non-human. For example, the Neanderthals were related to Sasquatch, an interdimensional "alien".

"Human" is a common galactic genus of which we are merely a recent offshoot, so there are aliens who look quite human to casual inspection while being genetically extra-terrestrial. In other words, Earth humans were originally hybridized from Earth hominids and ET humans. The term for this sort of galactic genus propagation is "starseeding". The term for Earth humans is "Jahku".

Some will try to demoralize Jahku with dark origin stories about how Jahku are nothing but cattle or an experiment by cruel masters. The truth is that we are the legitimate heirs of Earth, which is why we currently enjoy a Protected legal status. It is true we are a bit down on our luck and morally bankrupt at the moment, but we are born for greatness. If you ever feel depressed about human potential, just read The Sasquatch Message. They wouldn't be fighting over us so hard if we didn't matter.

One of the perks of being a child of Earth is admission to the local afterlife. Do you believe in Heaven? Seeing is believing. In the Spirit Spheres, what you believe determines what you see. There is an afterlife for every faith, created by faith. Sounds nice, right? Now you understand why aliens want to hybridize with us. Mother Earth is special.

The Ship

The world's greatest treasure ship sits in a sandbar under 1,000 years of silt, at the intersection of the Salt River and Fish Creek, where it was scuttled to deny victorious Indians access to its powerful Atlantean artifacts.

Some of its contents have already been looted, but they could not remove the wooden frame without risking public exposure. What remains is more than enough.

An underwater excavation would be difficult, and this find is time sensitive, what with NATO and Russia nearing direct warfare while China hovers over Taiwan and Iran eyes Israel. So Watchers have allegedly softened an easier excavation path to it from a cave directly beneath the river. Verifying the existence of this cave would be the logical first step. The ship's frame can also be detected via ground penetrating radar.


One problem: "Visible on Ground-penetrating radar". If this is true where are the pictures of the radar scans? Surely that would be enough to get funding for an expedition.

The ship is buried under silt that was once below water. Now it is about 15 feet down in a very public place on the River's edge. Some years ago a group from the University of Arizona found the ship electronically but did not know what it was and moved on (thecave, May 2022).

Find. The. Ship. | by AlbaAvis and Laweyre

Lots more info at the above link.

Maybe this is the aforementioned university team, or someone newer. I've never seen a Gab thread fail to display its comments like this. I was able to read the thread after commenting in it, but while logged off the thread's comments don't appear. There is one radar image in the thread, but I don't know how to read it.

PIC: sandbar radar

Would the University of Arizona have archived the radar images somewhere? Might be worth checking.

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