Kongol626 14 points ago +14 / -0

Jails for who though? Some of these traitors probably won't attend the inauguration. Wouldn't it be easier to start doing massive arrests now, why wait until the last second

Kongol626 2 points ago +4 / -2

I can't believe this. You're telling me agents are visiting every single news station in every city and state and forcing them on what to air? I can believe if it's a couple of stations but it's impossible to do this to ALL tv stations.

Kongol626 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thought they don't even have loaded guns. Can't fight liberals with no ammo or tear gas riot gear. Hence why I think the NG is just for optic, show OR to corner unarmed politicians

Kongol626 1 point ago +2 / -1

One possibility Trump is just controlled opposition for the DS. I doubt it. But you have to keep all possibilities opened.

I am leaning towards pence is still with Trump. I was so confused when the day b4 election Pence said we found the swamp and tomorrow we're going to pull the drain. Then he backstabs trump. Either pence is great pos actor and liar. Or he has been on board from the get. What also cemented my theory is when Trump said I hear not so good things about Pence. But it takes courage to do NOTHING. Wtf that does mean. That means Pence doing nothing and being hated. Let's just hope there is a plan. Because if there isn't we are all doomed

Kongol626 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where's Q. How come he/they haven't posted in such a long time? Shouldn't there be more postings now more than ever?

Kongol626 17 points ago +20 / -3

"I have proof that the OP of this post is a larper. I'm only going to post this once and don't ask me how I know or who I am"

Kongol626 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump can't fire Pence only Congress I believe

Kongol626 3 points ago +3 / -0

Impeachment doesn't mean shit is the same as indictment, "has been charged". If the senate agrees then he's "convicted". Now that's game over. And he still needs to do a defense and will ask for more time etc. So it will take these fuckers over 2 weeks to try to do it. So I don't see it happening. As for the military, this is all what's in the constitution. If it says somewhere that the military can take over or something then cool. But I am not learned on this. I would think congress still has power. Although I remember Bush's Patriot act gave power to the Pres to suspend the constitution if we are at war.

Kongol626 8 points ago +8 / -0

But what makes us sure that the military courts are just too? Didn't people in the military lie to Trump about removing Troops over seas? I don't trust anybody anymore.

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