Just a attack on free speech, litrrally before the video I literally said to a friend watch they gonna bring trump into it somehow and how I laughed when they did lol. So stupid fuck fb tho regardless
Is anything going to even happen??? Like they just gonna say we gonna fix it next time
Yeah right!! Even if they decertify, I don’t get how that will change anything Supreme Court justices werent on our side Pence wasn’t on our side No one was We have a bunch of twitter accounts and some code ninjas and tech geeks most of this information people don’t even understand nor grasp so the media can easily manipulate What’ the hell will happen? Ima be watching his rally tonight….so like …he just gonna say decertify ok….like these people are disgusting look what they did to Giuliani
What will happen from this, Al lot of this talk goes over a lot of technological illiterate people, they will spin this in media? What happens now? We have eveything but what now????
I hope
This site keeps giving me an error Ok SO LIKE LITERALLY TRUMP WON. The fuck???????? So many dupcliates
hey friends wanted to get your opinions on the AZ audit, if they prove thier was massive fraud, what will happen? does supreme court get involved and overturn???
Hi i have a question, i know school is returning soon(college) and they are forcing people to get vaccines to go...what do i do??
Hello all had to take a break, im back can anyone fill me in? Thx
It’s over
Are the mods dead? Do we need more? I thought there were looking for more Like Jesus Christ
There’s literally 11 million illegal fuckers and hella more walkin this way we will NEVER have any fair election again, ( not that we ever did, the whole Biden needs to be sworn in thing yeah can’t happen man)
*scared *