Trying to make a graphic for Q proof.



Pierre L'Enfant Designed the D.C. city layout.

He was the Architect, trusted by George Washington.

I saw the "Ring Leader" post: https://greatawakening.win/p/11S0gSOIk5/found-this-jewel--the-ring-leade/c/

After seeing the JimmyCommet Instagram post, the guy with the black shirt which reads "J'<3 L'Enfant" ---- L'Enfant = The Child....are you fucking kidding me?

I have a degree in Landscape Architecture, I've studied Pierre L'Enfant's work. I am having an internal panic attack.

The designer of D.C. who intentionally designed the owl....that Q suggested is the dangerous animal...and was intentionally placed by an architect who's last name means "The Child"......the whole pedo network...how many coincidences until it's mathematically impossible?!

I am a 100% believer now. I just joined this group a week ago. I'm speechless. I am so happy to have found my this community.

Now, let's bring down the mother fucking house.