Allot of people are saying resident bidens podiums don’t show the presidential seal. Or it’s blurred out in some pictures. But I looked myself for some podium pictures and I saw the seal. So what gives? Are some people trying to make fake noise or are they editing pictures to make it look like he has the seal on his podiums?


Here’s this video fairly recent I’ve never seen these angles of them clearing rooms. They basically cleared the whole first floor I’d imagine before going to the 2nd only a couple minutes of actual footage but where are all the kids? Empty gym empty classrooms. Said they stepped over a body but of course they didn’t show it. Is the real full uncut footage from every cam available somewhere? https://youtu.be/CETSXzmd1Og


At the DMV today deep within WV. A Californian tranny was all the rave. Grey leather trench coat, tactical boots, fingerless gloves. What appeared to be a balclava covering everything but the nose. Sunglasses. A women’s scarf covering the top. A truckers headset and what looked like a ham radio on the hip 🤷 going on and on about how bad it was in cali. He had a nicely shaped rack up front. I just couldn’t stop giggling. Everything was male but the clothing was so gender washed I didn’t know what to think. Voice was clearly a male. Idk WTF he was doing there. Getting an ID I guess. Anyone else notice any migration of the… more rare variety of Americans moving into the Bible Belt?


Just curious if anyone knows a solid estimate. How much cash and how much in weaponry?


Firstborn son 7lbs 8oz! God is good I can’t believe how much life has to offer sometimes. Can’t wait to teach him as he grows into a young warrior!


Does anyone remember the brakedowns that show them messing with Ashli and getting her blood bag to work? Was this actual or do you think she was really shot? In my opinion from what I saw long ago she was a plant, they did weird uncommon things with her after she fell. Not the normal stuff you do for a gunshot wound. Any links to show she was a plant? These people on Twitter are wildly ignorant they just keep shouting TRAITOR SHE DESERVED IT or ‘sHe wAS aTtAcKinG thE cApItAl!’

What ammo do we have as anons to put directly into their faces to let them realize this was a show? Her death was indeed a show was it not? Did she really even die? Who is she really?



Ohio confirmed South Carolina speculative Louisiana confirmed 100k gallons of acid Texas speculative link above


I’d put money on it, democrat cities will have the worst protests this weekend. Barely anything in republican cities.

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