ITALY DID IT!! (www.freeconferencecall.com) ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️
posted ago by La-a ago by La-a
This is THE SMOKING GUN that DJT Needs (www.freeconferencecall.com) WWG1WGA
posted ago by La-a ago by La-a

Todd Young & Mike Braun, Ted Cruz’s 10 day stall plan to fuck Indiana later is a bad deal.

Indiana sees through it. Prove you have a brain and balls.

Prove to us you are not pedos owned by the deep state.

Oppose certification without strings. Without a backdoor.


Cruz’s plan requires a commission be set up to audit the election in 10 days.

It says nothing about who will make-up the commission, but you can bet it will be touted as being bipartisan.

Bipartisan means half will be given license to cheat openly. The other half will play fight for the media but will turn out to be conveniently inept. Same old Republican futility.

Oh well, Cruz tried really hard. Win some, lose some.

No fucking way! This commission can NOT be accepted. DO NOT GIVE PENCE THIS PATH OUT!

This needs to be settled on the 6th! Kicking the can down the road will ensure failure when no fraud is found.

Call your senators and tell them this is not an acceptable solution!

What are our congressmen hiding? (twitter.com) ? These people are stupid!
posted ago by La-a ago by La-a