Thank you for sharing this. For many years in our prayers we have said prayers for these children and asked God to hold them all in his loving arms and bring them salvation. This needs to end now and these Demons brought to Justice.
Time for Gods justice to prevail.
Glad to hear she has seen the difference. I give thanks to God for opening her eyes. She will be stronger in her faith and nobody will be able to break it. Will keep you and your family in our prayers always.
Demons always run away when they are exposed. The power of truth.
Thank you. Jesus the great peacemaker is the true example to follow. Not about the well being of self but the well being of all. Time for all of us around the world to unite as children of God.
We can read the bible but we must lead our lives as God shared with us. I hear people saying Gods punishment is upon us. This is not true. God has not punished us yet. Example is this. When a parent tells a child not to touch a wood burning stove as it will burn the child and cause pain. If the child does not listen and touches the wood burning stove was it the parent that punished the child ? Or was it the child's decision not to listen to the advice ? We are punishing ourselves by our decisions to not listening to what God shared on how to live our lives.
If I shared my wisdom with you it would be the most silent conversation in the history of the world. I have none, mankind has no wisdom. All the wisdom comes from God and we are the beneficiaries of that wisdom. I would be happy to share what God has shared with me. Now that will be a longer conversation. While not worthy I thank God for all he has shared with me to share with all his children. this is why I pray and ask God to guide my steps and share his wisdom with me. Sometimes God shares something with us we do not understand. Obedience is more important then the understanding at that moment. Once we obey the understanding will follow . I learned this in my path through life.
Thank you. And may God bless you and everyone here for standing up for God and all the children. All your prayers for the children and all Gods people by sharing Gods truth to all. I stand before all of you in humbleness and humility. God is aware of everyone who is doing this. You have no idea how beautiful you all are. you are beacons of light guiding the lost out of the darkness.
May God bless you and all of your families.
To late for her, She appears to be one that is out of breath just thinking about running.
The people will celebrate when her arrest comes.
I am so sorry for your loss Brother. they are like family. I noticed with vaccines the life expectancy dropped with all breeds. So we do not vaccinate our dogs once we get them. Thankfully they can take ivermectin which kills viruses and parasites. Along with cancers. Staying away he is 10 years of age and healthy as can be.
They set all this up for failure and to make money. If dogs have a case of ho Chi Minhs revenge we give them pure pumpkin. Even works if they are constipated. Zero heart worm, zero worms and are healthy. no rabies as rabies is a virus. Since ivermectin blocks viruses then theoretically all we need is ivermectin. Sadly some breeds can not take it. Since my health went down the latrine he is always by my side. They are stubborn and he will not listen to my Off Duty Commander until he is sure I am ok and you can see the love and concern in his eyes. As soon as he is reassured he listens to he her.
Your dogs are plugged into your energies. If I am relaxed around people he is cool. if he's senses tensions he goes into guard mode. If he senses real threat then he naturally decides to defend. Even if I was younger three men could not pry his off. I worked with 100 lb shepards and their strength is nothing compared to these power houses.
They have a nasty move they curve there body showing their back leg enticing the bite. which will be more fur, as soon as the bite from the attacker comes they turn inside toward the attacker and with power and weight they have the attacker down. I was surprised and amazed at the move and power. My older German Shepard tried it. I was able to separate and the Anatolian realized I was not happy about the attack . But I realized we do not have the strength to stop them. The good news is they both had a understanding and became best of friends. But they are independent thinkers.
I rather have natural protector over bite commands. What happens if you are not there or not able to speak ? Also you may want to check into the jabs and avoiding them. And check on breeds that are not affected by Ivermectin. I also give them once a week DE Earth food grade about a third of a teaspoon and their hips are in great shape. Even when older.
Amen. ITA agree.
I ignored all their lies. I know from their energies who they serve and it is not God. I am thankful for all those who ignored him and wished many more had ignored them also.
Amen, there is a law about abuse of power.
Amen Brother. Mengele on steroids. Wait till he faces God he will wish he was never born. We refer to children as Wakan Jeja which means sacred gift from God.
Time for him to face mans Justice then Gods. When he faces God he will wish he was never born.
The Pride before the Fall. Fools never learn.
We have a prayer group and I have some of their emails and phone numbers. Normally I call up Knightinrustyarmor and we do the songs and drums over a speaker phone. We smudge the prayer circle and then smudge anyone entering so it is free from negative energies (evil ). There have been times someone called in and I did the prayer with them and Knightinrustyarmor had a neighbor and family join him at his home and he did the same prayers. On Christmas we do the Christian prayers and showing it is all the same. and on the 24th and 25th Dec I ask for nothing as I only give thanks to God for Jesus. I do the same for Thanksgiving and Easter. On the 26th I come back with the please help request. But then on Jan 6 and 7 Knightinrustyarmor stand in support of our Eastern Orthodox Christian Brothers and Sisters and give thanks to God for Jesus and ask for nothing. On Jan 8th we bring the help requests again. We know our Father in heaven watches over us and provides what we need during this time and childlike faith and trust has us covered. Nobody knows what we need better then God.
I am just a simple old messenger. All glory goes to God and his teachings and Christians that showed us the bible and what was in it. The Bible had the same values we believed in. be kind to strangers. To give more then we take. Our biggest enemy is ourselves with the choices we may make that are not on the good path. I am not here to be better then anyone else but to be the best person I can be. Job 12 we understood fully.
But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee:
Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee: and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee.
Who knoweth not in all these that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this?
In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.
We always honored and respected wisdom which we found in Jesus. His healings and miracles were witnessed by the people. The people know the real deal from the windbags. Jesus was the real deal. The Thunders responded to Jesus . We knew this was proof Jesus was the son of God . We knew about the 7 Thunders before we ever had seen a Christian or bible. The oldest and biggest thunder is in the west. Then when the prophet started worshipping the Thunders they told the prophet to only worship god and not them. Yes we accepted the Bible because it showed us the proof with what was in it. And this passage about only worshipping god and not them showed we were doing this correctly. We call them friends in our prayer song. Before we heard the word angels we referred to them as Gods helpers and or friends. I am so amazed how Gods word went around the world.
What makes us amazing is Gods teachings and following them. Lets one day all sit together and share the testimony of Gods glory and how he has touched our loves with his love and mercy. What I share with you you will not find in the movies or history books. We pray in the spirit meaning our soul; connects to only God. The mind is just there to absorb Gods teachings and not edit or change anything. Just like the words in the Bible by not allowing one word to be changed or removed. By praying in the Spirit you can feel the love of God and the peace. I am so thankful the old teachings were passed down. The Lakota Pride is about the pride in the old teachings of God. Keep it clean, keep it sacred and do it only Gods way and compromise nothing of Gods will. that is the only good pride to have as it keeps us on the good path. I am still a work in progress. But ask god to guide my steps and share his wisdom with us so it can be on earth as it is in heaven. This is why I will never take credit and give it all to God. I asked this in prayer and he has answered my prayer. All glory truly belongs to him. I am just the beneficiary of his love and guidance.
I have the same impression. I heard back then they were not happy with AIDS because the timeline was 10 years before people bought the Farm. So now they bring the improved DS version called VAIDS.
He should have been arrested back then already.
No thanks needed. Gods children deserve the truth.
Here is a GWP article on this
Sadly Senior moments are not a conspiracy theory. Thank you for pointing this out to me..
My mistake and apologies.
Time to serve those WFA's Warrants for arrest. You can include fraud on the t5ax payers because this cost the tax payers even more money. If they have Conspiracy charges in Pa then add that Felony charge also. That is 10 years for not doing the crime alone. Only requires one or more assistant.
All staged for the frame job.