There will be a lot of elections happening while they sit in prison.
Exactly. Always follow the money and the puppet strings.
It is happening as we speak.
Like Biden has a say. This goes back to the 90s when reports of organ harvesting and human trafficking started to leak out. And you Know The Agency and NATO started encroaching. They are all Puppets for their Masters.
Just another windbag He would be the first to run if he showed up.
Exactly. MPD covering up their homicides. They will be charged for those deaths they created by their act of violence against peaceful protestors. Head shots with batons or projectiles is never authorized. Those who covered up those crimes will be charged also.
Amen, Obstruct today and tomorrow they become prison brides.
Amen. ITA. What ever happened to PRP around nukes ? Then ask this also about Biden not mentally fit for trial but allowed around nukes..
But important we do not forget this.
Appears he is begging for a Hypersonic Missile suppository. Appears he needs one.
Exactly. Time for arrests and trials. They want the very people who they committed Treason on and pushed a Bioterror jab on to go and protect them from Russia so they can avoid trials for the crimes. It only makes sense to the desperate DS BS Puppets. Reality and this fool are never in the same room together.
They want a nuclear war hoping to avoid trials for the past crimes. NATO and You Know the Agency need to face trials. This goes back to Operation Gladio C that was a brain washing Operation hoping the people will surrender their firearms.
Expose their Crimes against Humanity for their Satanic World Order.
Putin needs to send one to this fool as a suppository.
Amen, same here. But would join them in collecting them and freeing the people from these Tyrannical Nut Jobs and bring them to trial for their Crimes against Humanity.
As it always ends .LOL Please Obstruct so we can send the message.
Their desperation is now being exposed to the world.
The truth will be exposed. We will not ever forget.
Remember this from MSM. How many times has Trump been right and MSM has been wrong ?
No justification for headshots.
Must be in the script . lol
10 % for the Big Guy ?
We are both on the same page here.