Aren't you slightly embarrassed when the people here, including very old accounts, constantly talk about flat earth and chemtrails and one of the sticky posts last night was literally about how the dude thought he needed psychiatric help because everyone in his life hates him for believing this crap?

Is this really who you want representing you?

Have you noticed the decline in intelligent conversation here since the 20th? Most of the people with a modicum of intelligence realized that they had been fooled, were big enough people to accept it and move on, and left.

You are now a special ed teacher. The only people staying here are the stupidest of the stupid and you can see it with your own two eyes.

Its okay that Q tricked you. Its not the end of the world. But this shit just keeps getting dumber with every passing day and you know it deep down, I can tell. Do you really want to stick with this even as you begin to realize that it just gets more retarded every day because the smart people are leaving?

You moderate this website every day. You see with your own two eyes how fucking pants-on-head retarded most of what gets posted here is. Sure, some of it is shills. But also, you know for a fact that a lot of it isn't. Most of the shills are mocking you. Most of the flat earth stuff is real QAnon people. Do you ever wonder if maybe most of the people here are mouthbreathing morons? Do you ever wonder if maybe Q tricked you but you aren't quite dumb enough to desperately cling to fantasies that get more farfetched and stupid with every passing day?

The fact that you realize how dumb flat earthers are makes me think maybe you are intelligent enough to shake your brainwashing.

Its so funny that you had to post a thread asking people not to be flat-earthers here and then tons of people in the comments including very old accounts continued to argue that the earth is flat.

Do you ever look at the retards here and what they post and question yourself? Maybe if you're associating with a bunch of retarded flat earth chem trail people and sticky a thread about how depressed and antisocial one of them is because his whole family thinks he's a crazy nutjob and he's literally saying he thinks he needs psychiatric help, maybe you're on the wrong side? Maybe all of this stuff is fucking stupid? Does the constant deluge of idiocy here ever slowly make you question whether Q just suckered you and you're moderating a forum full of veritable retards that the whole country laughs at?

Maybe its okay to dislike democrats and be a conservative but this Q stuff is fucking loony?

Its so funny that you had to post a thread asking people not to be flat-earthers here and then tons of people in the comments including very old accounts continued to argue that the earth is flat.

Do you ever look at the retards here and what they post and question yourself? Maybe if you're associating with a bunch of retarded flat earth chem trail people and sticky a thread about how depressed and antisocial one of them is because his whole family thinks he's a crazy nutjob and he's literally saying he thinks he needs psychiatric help, maybe you're on the wrong side? Maybe all of this stuff is fucking stupid? Does the constant deluge of idiocy here ever slowly make you question whether Q just suckered you and you're moderating a forum full of veritable retards that the whole country laughs at?

Maybe its okay to dislike democrats and be a conservative but this Q stuff is fucking loony?

You actually seem slightly more intelligent than most of the mouthbreathers here so I am going to try to appeal directly to you

Its so funny that you had to post a thread asking people not to be flat-earthers here and then tons of people in the comments including very old accounts continued to argue that the earth is flat.

Do you ever look at the retards here and what they post and question yourself? Maybe if you're associating with a bunch of retarded flat earth chem trail people and sticky a thread about how depressed and antisocial one of them is because his whole family thinks he's a crazy nutjob and he's literally saying he thinks he needs psychiatric help, maybe you're on the wrong side? Maybe all of this stuff is fucking stupid? Does the constant deluge of idiocy here ever slowly make you question whether Q just suckered you and you're moderating a forum full of veritable retards that the whole country laughs at?

Its so funny that you had to post a thread asking people not to be flat-earthers here and then tons of people in the comments including very old accounts continued to argue that the earth is flat.

Do you ever look at the retards here and what they post and question yourself? Maybe if you're associating with a bunch of retarded flat earth chem trail people and sticky a thread about how depressed and antisocial one of them is because his whole family thinks he's a crazy nutjob and he's literally saying he thinks he needs psychiatric help, maybe you're on the wrong side? Maybe all of this stuff is fucking stupid? Does the constant deluge of idiocy here ever slowly make you question whether Q just suckered you and you're moderating a forum full of veritable retards that the whole country laughs at?