Remember the days we used to tell people to take their crack pot conspiracies to conspiracies.win? Remember when the mods viciously combed the site for shills? Remember when we lived by "no outside comms"? Remember when I didn't have to listen to your personal sob story, or see a selfie of you and your wife/kids like this was Facebook? Remember when this site was about speculation, discussion and working together to uncover the truth? Remember when validation had nothing to do with it?

This is slowly becoming an echo chamber with no standards. Mods say they want to keep people engaged. I say they're doing the opposite.

Well, what do you think?

Edit: I've said it from Day 1. We need a fully vetted "handbook" for new anons. Between misinfo, misunderstanding and a lack of resources, I feel much of the problem is created by not having ONE easy to access, easy to digest piece of material that new Anons can utilize.


How do you find who funds a local DA's campaign?


Leave that shit to the chinese. You suck at this. :*

EDIT: I'm Famous! I've messaged everyone in the top comments to show me the Q predictions they've debunked. I have heard from 4 person(s). Will update.


EDIT 2: User CumStainedChrist said: "Lol. Poe's law is hitting me hard and I'm too high to deal with this." This is the only response so far. Note: User CumStainedChrist was not "too high" to be talkin that shit in the comments.

EDIT 3: User lulu1477 said: "Omg, you’re so awesome. I never worry about rebutting Q because there’s no reason to rebut something that isn’t true. But hey, thanks for saving me the effort of finding your updated post. You’re awesome." Note: This is the OP of the link above.

EDIT 4: User DavidRandom said: "I guess the best evidence for debunking Q theories, is that none of the predictions came through, despite what fanfic from random blogs say." Note: User DavidRandom couldn't give me any specific examples. And instead mentioned "Ron Watkins", who he then said "is Q".

EDIT 5: UserDoctorMars81 said: "There is no point arguing with conspiracy theorists. If logic and evidence worked on them, then they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists."

EDIT 6: I was banned for being a "troll". This is where my investigation comes to an end. From what I've gathered, these people aren't shills. There might be a few professional shills, but on the whole, they are all incapable of honest debate and attacking Q to cope with what would otherwise be a pathetic existence. We should be thankful we have our very own fan page. Hi guys :)

EDIT 7: They banned me, and are mocking my lack of replies via comments on posts I can't comment on. I have messaged the individuals multiple times seeking a Socratic debate, they then respond via the comments, which again, I can't respond to. Please let me know if you yourself can pry some type of info from these people that isn't "HRC detained or JFK jr.". I would love to amend this post and take back what I've said here. Something tells me I shouldn't hold my breath. Clowns cannot be this dumb/defeated.

Is there any sort of guide or manual that anons have compiled involving spreading truth (especially on battlefields not of our choosing, with heavy censorship/algorithms)? Like how to operate on FB, Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Or for shill tactics, mapping etc.? I feel like having all that vital info that allows us to see behind the propaganda, in one easily accessible place would go a long way in catching new followers up to speed. Instead of relying on whichever anon they go to first.

Maybe one already exists that I'm not aware of, or maybe that would be giving too few people too much say, but I think it would be helpful nonetheless. And I have no doubt this community could whip something like that up in a matter of days. I'm happy to help in any way I can. I suppose a "Q for dumbies" is as close as I can put it.