It has become clear in my view that the entirety of Q was a means of training a willing portion of the population in the arts of information warfare.
Archiving, cross-referencing, peer review, memes, linking connections, digging through history, actively countering real disinformation, etc... very useful skills these days.
While this is not news for most here, what I do believe is that this is what we have been trained for. The current times we are living. This IS the storm.
The upper echelons have no doubt almost completely been cleaned out, but now the onus is back on us; the people. We all fully aware of the deep state swamp in all major facets of our society, but what of the general population itself? What about the civilian swamp? (I use this only for lack of a better term and correlation between the two different populations pls no bully)
The civilian swamp consists of those individuals who have been heavily corrupted and programmed by a satanic matrix of which we all were once a part. COVID/the vaccines have made discernment FAR MORE EASY than in any point in our history IMO.
How do we drain the civilian swamp?
Wake those civilians up. Trump/Q did a divine job of corralling the earlier waves and more current waves of awakened citizens. This led to the additional training as mentioned in the beginning of this post.
However, this expansion in (purposely stunted) consciousness cannot be made dependent on one man (Trump) or 'group' (Q) moving forward. No, that responsibility must lay squarely on the shoulders of the people themselves. It is OUR duty to do what we can to be the leading force in awakening others.
Trump/Q, and all other major high-level players around the world are watching us intently, no doubt in my mind. They are cheering us on and sending US prayers to have the strength to keep moving forward in this fight for God and humanity.