I woke up in 1997 working as a reporter. That was a long time ago. I’ve devoted nearly everyday of my life since that time, speaking out, educating people, screaming from the rafters. This fight is such a big part of who I am, I don’t know who I am without it.
I am so fed up and frustrated with people who just can’t or refuse to see the fascism looming over the world like a threatening, dark cloud. 3,400 people were arrested in the UK last year for speaking out against their government, dozens within the last few days. This to me is truly the most important sign of impending fascism—-it’s something that should scare the hell out of all of us, in the same way J6 did.
I’m 62 now. I was in my 30’s when I woke up. That’s half of my life hoping to save America!
But I’m tired now. I’m tired and miserable. My relationships are suffering. My anger has taken over my life. I’m not getting outside enough. I’m not taking care of my soul. I’m hyper focused on the world’s problems but letting my own wellbeing and health suffer.
I think I’m going to find God now.
You are all THE BEST. I don’t even know you, but I love each and every one of you.
Deepest Respect.
I have vehemently supported Tucker for years, but there’s something…. something off about him.
Yesterday, on his Tucker Carlson Network, I watched a video broadcast of him trying out a new Tesla truck for a week in his rural main neighborhood. And he starts the broadcast saying “We’re all going to be driving electric cars soon because that’s what the global warming cult wants, so, I’m here to test drive this Tesla for the week,” etc.etc.
How about saying this instead Tucker? “Don’t be forced into driving an electric car, if that’s not what you want to drive. Resist!”
So, he and all his Maine friends spend a week driving a Tesla truck and they’re all mostly gushing over it, how well it handles, how much it can tow… Never does he ask any of his neighbors if they’d like to rebel against what we’re being told to do, nor does he ask them if they’re sick of the Deep State encroaching on their back door or in their lives. Not a word.
Also, he never once explained what he was doing in the audience at a WEF presentation in Belgium after his trip to Russia. Or why he had dinner with George Bush in the past few years at his wealthy Florida enclave. Carlson has always been an elitist who remade himself into an “Everyman”
I’m also sick of his Zen nicotine marketing. He’s obviously making money from product placement, and he has boxes of the stuff, always in view of the camera, or he’ll verbally talk about the product during a speech or interview. I know we all have to make money, but really Tucker? How much money is enough?
- The press has been hinting… “Monica Crowley, who served as the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs under Donald Trump, suggested that Michelle Obama could be drafted in as the Democratic nominee.”
Many more articles out there on this.
- Michelle has been laying very low…. Noticeably low. They’re going to put her in as the reluctant candidate.
They want us to think they really just have NO idea who they want to put in the race. They want us to think they’re mulling over candidates all day long. They’re not. They know exactly who they’re putting in. It’s Michelle.
They say Michelle is the only DEM candidate Trump worries about. I don’t know if that’s true, but it has been said.
They kept Joe around for longer than expected, simply because they want to avoid putting Michelle in too early. They want her to be a last minute “surprise” with little time for her to be vetted, dragged through the mud, etc.
If they cheat to get her in office, they’ll just point to her books, which have sold millions of copies and say…. Look how popular she is!
Get on this peeps!
I am a former reporter and am still a columnist, so I don’t mind poking around! Thoughts? Ideas?
Go to Cernovich on X. Sorry I can’t upload it from this device.
And nobody seems to get this—not even real Patriots. The Deep State doesn’t do anything that isn’t scripted!
Four days ago the New York Times had an article titled, “Do We Even Need A President?”
Why is the Biden stalling event not understood as just another narrative—-just another act under the big circus tent?! Biden does what he is told— always.
Am I missing something?
The ridiculousness needs to stop NOW.
This article says “Loving families may pose an unfair advantage in societies.”
Here’s a quote:
‘I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally,’ quips Swift.
What planet am I on?
Today presented Trump with the perfect opportunity to calmly explain, perhaps in chronological order, what has happened to this country, when it began, how and who. Instead he stood up in front of the country and rambled, not really communicating what has happened to America, and the great peril we are in. It needed to be presented clearly today. He needed to hit the ball out of the ballpark. I don’t think he did.
Don’t mean to Doom. They’re heavy on fear this week.
James Hill is the messenger. See his post on Substack with video.
“ In the video, Overstock.com founder Patrick Byrne says China — using 15 million military-age men who’ve invaded the US so far during Biden’s administration and thousands of United Nations “blue helmet” soldiers — will slaughter all Hispanics and Blacks and all but 30 million Whites, who will be enslaved to rulers.”
Interesting post on Substack. I don’t know much about George Webb, the author, but he certainly casts a rather suspicious aura onto Flynn. Check it out.
With a culture as stubborn and storied as the French culture, the impending change seems to be infiltrating more slowly in Paris. There are still a million cafes, and bakeries, and cheese shops, and French people chatting at Brasseries, and boats taking tourists up and down the Seine River.
But there’s a layer of dust over the city.
Graffiti is everywhere, on ancient walls and trains and shop doors. There is more garbage on the streets, carelessly tossed water bottles and wrappers—thrown by people who don’t care about beauty, and have no respect for someone else’s land.
Immigrant children gather in parks, oblivious to the people around them, speaking in their native tongues, not in school, ignored by the Parisians passing them by.
Streets once solely French are being taking over by immigrants, and new restaurants have the smell of curry mingling with baking baguettes.
I sat next to a Chinese student at a Vivaldi concert in an old church. I was amazed by the number of Chinese in the city taking in Monet, crème brûlée, and music. They seem to love Western culture. They're in Paris to eat it up. They want the clothes, the food, the art. President Chi was visiting while I was there. Long tables of his contingency sat in historic cafes eating elevated French food—cafes where Hemingway once sat and wrote. They secretly covet the culture they were taught to dispossess.
I found it all bizarre.
The monsters ruling the earth are trying to do away with Western civilization—all of our artistic accomplishments, the architecture, the literature, the food, the beauty. Maybe people like the Chinese are trying to scarf it down before it disappears.
Student protesters were encircled three deep by the French police, and while these naive students have no idea what they are protesting for, I hated to see their right to protest stifled in such a way.
There are no customs agents at the airports. A machine takes your picture and scans your passport. Right out of the book 1984.
The last days of ancient sunlight. Those words kept going through my mind in Paris. Immigrants drive taxis, secure famous art, run the shops. Things are changing—begrudgingly so.
Left, still, was the quintessential French waiter. No one will ever take his place, until all the restaurants serve food that tastes like curry.
Just trying to figure out the best Way To Direct My Life And this question came to mind.
I have a business that does well with FB adds, so that’s why I have FB. I logged in today and found I was restricted for a vaguely pornographic picture that I have never seen or had on my timeline. And it was supposedly posted on July 11, 2022. WTH? I have pictures of my grandchildren on FB, for god sakes.
It’s obviously a plant and so that scares the hell out of me. Can they just put up illegal photos and accuse you of posting them? That picture was never on my timeline. Or in my photos.
Feeling harassed and to be honest, a bit scared and confused.
Have you heard of such a thing?
Dr. Geert Vanden Boschee was intereviwed on Friday for Howard Kunstler’s podcast, and he had quite a sobering message. “What I am predicting,” he said, “is a massive, massive tsunami” of illness and death among highly-vaccinated populations with dysregulated immune systems.
“In the next coming weeks. . . is more and more cases of more serious long Covid. . . . They will start to replace the surge of the cancers. . . now we have a more chronic phase. It will end with a hyper-acute phase, a huge, huge wave. . . I’ve been studying this now for four years. I know what I’m talking about. I’m probably the only person, in all modesty, who understands the immunology behind this. . . . (At 1:00:12) The thing I want your audience to understand, what we will be facing in the hyper-acute Covid crisis that is imminent, is that we will have to build a completely new world. . . . It is very very clear that when this starts, our hospitals will collapse. And that means the chaos in all kinds of layers of society — financial, economic, social, you name it — will be complete. And that is what I’m very clearly predicting. . . . It’s very strange for me to make such statements, but I’m not hiding it because I’m two hundred percent convinced that it will happen.”
He says taking Ivermectin before symptoms begin can help save lives.
NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad
The NHS Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad (CVLP) is a platform that will speed up access to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) personalised cancer vaccine clinical trials for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It will also accelerate the development of cancer vaccines as a form of cancer treatment.
"Personalised". How thoughtful.
Maybe they’re going to “cure” the Royals with the new mRNA cancer vaccine. The Royal family makes for some good PR for Pfizer. Everyone will rush out to be cured of cancer and they’ll finally do us in with the new shots.
The system controlling systems (DeepState) is now trying to sabotage the travel industry, which is my livelihood. The pattern is there: after years upon years of safe travel in the airline industry, there’s several mishaps a week now, and it’s just a matter of time before we have a crash.
The right to travel has been a target of the DS for four years now. Notice that the mishaps have not yet resulted in a crash. It’s just about instilling fear now. But if our travel behavior doesn’t change, it will get worse.
The DS loves it—people boarding planes petrified that THEIR FLIGHT will be the one that crashes.
There’s not a day that goes by that they don’t keep one-upping themselves as murderous psychopaths.
My sister-in-law just left after an eight-day visit. She’s a CNN-watching ignorant liberal who has no effing clue what’s going on and is just ONE example of why this country has fallen to the crooks. She’s been vaxxed six times. I can’t believe she’s still alive. But here she is, batting her brown eyes blankly when I tell her about what immigration is doing, all the people dying of the vax, etc.. She doesn’t believe me. She has no clue. Her 49 year-old surgeon daughter had a heart attack after the vax! WTH do you need Mary to get this? You almost lost your daughter!
Someone please tell me what MORE these imbeciles need to see, do and experience to GET THIS. I literally today am swearing off family who can’t or won’t connect the dots.
Too bad she didn’t fly home on American. Next to an effing door.
Yes, I am going to hell for saying that. Me and Klaus will be hanging in hell together.