Daughter lives near Portsmouth where there is a nuclear navy yard. This morning at 10:30 there was what she is calling “two explosions.” Daughter used to live in California so she knows what earthquakes feel like. They thought a house in the neighborhood blew up or that they were being bombed. Nearby is a nuclear power plant, Pease Air Force Base where refueling planes are stored and a nuclear submarine yard.

After the two booms, neighbors gathered on a social media neighborhood page. Neighbors who once lived in India or California say this was unlike any earthquake they’ve ever felt. Government says it was a 4.1 earthquake. Booms do happen near oceans.


Daughter lives near Portsmouth where there is a nuclear navy yard. This morning at 10:30 there was what she is calling “two explosions.” Daughter used to live in California so she knows what earthquakes feel like. They thought a house in the neighborhood blew up or that they were being bombed. Nearby is a nuclear power plant, Pease Air Force Base where refueling planes are stored and a nuclear submarine yard.

After the two booms, neighbors gathered on a social media neighborhood page. Neighbors who once lived in India or California say this was unlike any earthquake they’ve ever felt. Government says it was a 4.1 earthquake. Booms do happen near oceans.



He’s high up in cyber security. While they were out to dinner, he told my friend that some kind of event was going to take place by March 12 and it would be important for her to have cash at the ready as she won’t be able to use her cards.. I asked her to question him further with a new set of questions as she’s not really astute about the times we live in. Because he’s high up the chain in cyber security, he says he has a good reason to warn his family. He didn’t go in to detail. Just passing it along.


I’m noticing a pattern lately of the press showcasing the women in Trump’s world from Ivanka to Lara to Melania.

For example, a few days ago the New York Post had a glamour spread of Lara on the front page. She posed in designer dresses in different rooms and around the grounds of Mara Lago.

Today, there’s a spread on the front page of the Post of Ivanka in workout clothes showcasing her exercise routine. There’s also an article on Kimberly Guilfoyle’s beautiful mansion in Athens, Greece—a place she’ll move to when she becomes Greek ambassador. I’ve seen these Trump women in other publications as well in the past few weeks.

Melania has a new book coming out! Imagine that! When did she write it?

And Suddenly everyone wants to be seen at Mara Lago.

You might remember no one would even recognize that Melania was alive during Trump’s last presidency. Ivanka was harassed. A big sea change has come about, no?

What do you make of it?


I’m in SE Florida right now and I was out running errands yesterday and had to come home. I have a really serious headache, asthma, burning eyes and terrible fatigue. I noticed when I got home yesterday our house had a slight burning smell. This is before I even knew about the fog. So unfortunately I opened the door to let the air in. It seems to be worse at night and I can attest to that here.

Thousands of social media users this week have taken to posting clips of the bizarre unprecedented fog. It’s being called Fogvid-24. Some people are getting really sick from it, myself included. I think people with lung issues are especially vulnerable.

People are speculating that it’s some kind of chloride. This is absolutely nuts.

Update: Nearly a third of the U.S. population, spanning 27 states, is experiencing an unprecedented wave of dense fog—the thickest in nearly two decades.

While mainstream media claims this extreme fog is perfectly normal for the season, social media is buzzing with reports of bizarre odors and unexplained illnesses linked to the phenomenon, with similar accounts emerging from the UK to the U.S.

In this situation, who should we trust—our own eyes and senses or the mainstream media that places its faith in Dr. Fauci and vaccines?


Thanks in advance! I know there was one really great website with updated protocols but it’s hard to find now!


So many great quotes in the movie, but I’ll leave you with this one:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”


I’m always playing catch up, I guess. I trust the people here, so what am I missing?


Rewritten by me from the real editorial that was first published in the New York newspaper The Sun on September 21, 1897, and from the movie, Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus.

Dear Editor,

I am 28 years old. Some of my family and friends say that there is a Deep State that is controlling the United States government and pushing us towards a dystopian future. My Dad says "If you see it in the hearts of others who love our country, it is so." Please tell me the truth, is there a Deep State?


Your friends and family are right, although most people have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except what they plainly see or have been told. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds or relayed to them on their television sets.

All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Deep State. It exists because love and generosity and rationality no longer exist today, those things that once gave our life its highest beauty and joy. 

Alas! How wonderful would be the world if there were no Deep State! It would be as wonderful as if there were one million Virginias. There would be faith, abundance, and joy to make tolerable this existence. We would have enjoyment, peace and clarity again. The eternal light with which all life fills the world would be lit once again. 

To not see with open eyes that there is a Deep State is to live in a land of make believe. You might get your disbelieving friends and family to search for the truth, which is so plainly in front of all of us. But even if they refuse to look, what would that prove? 

Nobody sees the Deep State if they’re not ready to, but that is no sign that there is no Deep State. The most real things in the world are sometimes those things that the hypnotic masses cannot see. 

Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders—even terrors— that are unseen and unseeable in the world for those who do not have the eyes to see. 
 There is a veil right now covering the truth, which only the strongest men and women can tear apart. Only faith, power, patriotism, love, and persistence can push aside that curtain and bestow us the courage to see the truth.

Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else as real and terrifying as the evil that confronts us, but we must try very hard to defeat it.

No Deep State? It has lived forever. A few years from now, maybe ten years from now, it will cease to exist, and perhaps then, we will continue to make glad the hearts of children and people everywhere.

Written by M. R. in 2024


We have the canned goods, the dry goods, the water filter, the ammo, an emergency trunk filled with everything you can think of—drugs, first aid, lanterns, etc.

But I’m sitting here in the dark for hours after a transformer blew in our small village. Totally failed our dry run. I can’t get the lanterns working. Our batteries seem corrupted and I don’t have the right kind of batteries in some instances. And I need a lantern that uses another kind of energy too.

Big fail! I’m off to Home Depot when the lights come on to truly get prepared. Glad this happened today. I thought we were in good shape. Didn’t make it an hour.

In 2018, a young man who worked at a Massachusetts inn found a notebook. Its contents scared him, but he decided to release it page by page on the Internet. The woman was on the run from her husband after she tried to release everything she knew about his role in the Deep State. She had access to his files in the home office and she spills serious information on Virgin Airlines, Carlos Slim, the Clintons, the Deep State organizational charts, Tony Blair, sex trafficking, how pre-paid phone cards fund illicit activities, and the list goes on. She believes she was being surveilled, was a victim of MK Ultra brainwashing, was an abused wife, a believer in Q, and was really trying to put it all together. She knew she would be killed but left us the notebook as a way to tell the world the truth.

I got involved in the story in 2018 and did a lot of research, as did several others, including someone on 8 Chan. But it never went anywhere. I was thinking about her the other day, did some research, and found out she was dead. She was quietly buried in North Carolina in 2022. No obituary, no funeral. It was probably a hit. The notebook still exists on the Internet and she was hunted for it by the cabal. Somehow she survived 4 years in what I believe was Worcester, Mass. I feel badly in some way, wishing we could have helped her when it mattered. I called the town in NC and verified her death and burial place.

Here is the link to the notebook put online by one researcher. It is so chock full of info—she really connects dots. There is something for everyone in that notebook. She went from a rich deep state socialite to a woman on the run. She’s smart though, and definitely trying to tell us how it all works. Her husband is still alive and still active in nefarious activities.

I realize there’s a lot going on right now, but for those who are curious or game, have at it!



Where were they two weeks ago? Totally absent. Now, suddenly they’re acting like a real government. I guess they got their lithium so they’ll use Milton to act like they’ve been here all along! Also, sudden non stop attention on cable channels. So over the gaslighting.


So many good Patriots gone.

Cooper would have led the way through these times if he were alive.


And because the Cabal hasn’t pummeled the east side of Florida in a while, that’s what they’re aiming for next. I wonder if they’re aiming for Mara Lago? Let’s bet they’ll avoid Miami. Too many of their cronies live there.


Greg Weiss, a meteorologist who has a FB page and is highly thought of, says this is going to be one the worst hurricanes in U.S. history.

Catastrophic and deadly are his words.

His FB page is called the “Official Hurricane News & Information Center.” I like his style. No drama, just the facts.

Praying for everyone in Milton’s path.

If the Deep State sends another hurricane after this, as the last nail in the coffin, we need to stand up somehow. It’s apparent they want Florida to themselves.


I think this was a historic rally—not just for Trump, but for America, and for history. There were so many truly moving moments—a whole day of speakers including J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, Lara and Eric Trump, and of course Trump—who was truly humble today, and very caring and sympathetic to the man who was killed here 12 weeks ago, and the two men who were injured.

At precisely 6:11, exactly the time Trump was shot here in July, there was a long moment of silence. I think everyone was praying—not just for the man who died in the stands, but for the people still missing down South, for those still waiting for help. And people were praying for our country, and for their children’s future, and for the world their grandchildren will one day face.

There was a famous opera singer belting out songs on stage, which made the moments even more poignant. Ava Maria…we were reminded that no matter what happens there is still beauty in something as simple as a song.

It was a beautiful blue day in Butler. If we blinked, we might have believed we were at a county fair, maybe 30 or 40 years ago, when our individual worlds still seemed right side up, when we were united in our belief that democracy was just and right, when kids still played outside, when we believed one day there could be peace everywhere. That was the goal, anyway. Those are the songs we sang at camp as kids, Kumbaya, and Let There Be Peace On Earth.

Elon Musk talked about the importance of the freedom of speech and how it is a cornerstone to our freedom and our way of life. Even as John Kerry yesterday railed against it.

So many in the crowd were there for the first rally—the day Trump was shot. And they came back again. They came back again and stood in the same field and wore the same red, white, and blue shirts and Trump looked at them and said, “We’ve been through so much together.”

We have all been through a lot. But today was a day in Butler to not only morn those things, but to conjure up pockets of hope for the future. We all stood there together and did that—celebrated what we were and what we can be again.

We just need to come together. Not for Trump’s sake—this isn’t about a candidate winning. This is about something deeper and much more important. This is about who we are as a people, as a country. It’s about a direction. And it’s about loving ourselves again, and believing we have the power to fix things.

It was an amazing day, but the hardest days are still ahead of us. Today was just a lovely reprieve.


Also, any special requests for photos, videos?


Back during Covid lockdowns, there would be warnings of products that were facing incredible shortages. I fell for some of these ruses, and today my best friend and I have twenty bottles of peroxide between the two of us. Of course, the big “shortage” never happened, but it certainly boosted sales. I can think of a dozen products that were touted as “scarce” and all the idiots would stockpile them (including myself), benefitting the companies, but the shortages never came to fruition. I think it was a way to boost sales for companies that had agreed to cut back on production so the shelves always appeared empty.

So, interesting that the Longshoremen strike was cancelled today, at least for the foreseeable future, but not before everyone hit up Costco and Sam’s Club buying up toilet paper, coffee, and meats. What a boon for the food industry this past week, after sagging sales due to high prices.

I’ve learned my lesson after buying all the peroxide, although I did stock up on coffee last week. These are tough lessons for people who don’t have the means to afford big splurges on groceries.

Anyone need hydrogen peroxide?


I worked in the media for several decades and reported several hurricanes in my time. I’ve noticed a trend in the past three storms of absolute radio silence from both the press and the government in the storms’ aftermath. If it weren’t for social media, we wouldn’t see the photos of all the missing people, the entire communities swept away by floods, the failure of a dam in Tennessee yesterday. It’s done on purpose, and it represents evil in its purest form.

Yes, you will see the occasional news story, but trust me when I tell you the reporting is purposely meant to be underwhelming. You have to go to social media to see the true reporting. People like DC Draino are taking up collections to help those without homes, food, or any way to survive.

Go ask your neighbor if they know the true breadth of the suffering. People are unaware! Up until yesterday, Asheville, NC was completely isolated because of impassible roads. Dozens of people are missing, their pictures posted on social media forums.

I know these MF’s are trying to take down the country. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are engineering these storms. I’ve been mad and pissed off at these globalist pyscopaths for 27 years, but it’s nothing compared to how angry I am today.

Let’s show these MF’s we will NOT BE DEFEATED BY THEM. Please donate, or better yet, help your neighbors by showing up in Fl., NC, and the other states affected. Let’s all do what we can. Love is always the answer.

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