its butter, duh
Plan B scares the shit out of me.
ok so how about delivering our country back plz
old vid
Dear President Trump... please... PLEEEASSSEEEE overthrow the government.
Obligatory popcorn so maybe this won't get removed for supposedly not being relevant.
I wish this could have been arranged so it rhymes
good luck with your ass assing
no q relate reeee
reeee no q relate reeee etc etc
reeee not q related reee etc etc
This is q related too I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Don't delete it on my behalf, sorry. I'm jabbing at the mod who removed my post because they don't understand the reference
I guess this is q related ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Uh... Because tomorrow we find out if Q is even real or not? Do you know anything about the source material of the post? Seems relevant to me, as did my post yesterday morning... But whatever, keep the simon parkes posts up instead ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I watched it. First two parts have some extremely disturbing audio, sure.. but it's largely shaky cam with no way to tell what the hell is going on. Last two parts are some rap song or some shit I couldn't watch because the thing keeps automatically cycling between all four parts. I was promised HRC and HA wearing skin suits, wtf!
Except the "military component" is what we're all banking on. We can expose all we want but in case you haven't noticed NOBODY in power even WANTS to do anything about it... God I am fucking praying you guys are right l, but my gut tells me it's just going to be more of the same..
no thank you i did not see this or the other 1000 posts about it below yours
LIVEstream fixed, sorry
You can't LIVEstream video on the "dark\deep web".
I just see a ton of claims on here constantly about having read this and saw that but not too many people posting links...
i get it
This is incredibly creepy.