We all know he’s a master at it, I’m trying to put a comprehensive list together of the more 4d chess type moves he’s made. I vaguely remember the story about when he was elected, he fed those around him fake information so he could smoke out those who would leak it to the press, and they did exactly that. Genius. Or “President Trump grounds Nancy Pelosi military aircraft for trip to Afghanistan and Brussels” lmaooo, Things like that, I know there’s heaps more pls add your favs


I would like to know how you’d play it

Currently trying to red pill some people that are saying it’s Russian disinfo, usually I’d be brushed off and the conversation over, I’m surprised they’re even entertaining what I’m saying cos they’re so used to just towing the line. I told them about the creepy ass relationship with his niece, how he had raunchy photos of her, with creepy texts as well, They asked for source, unfortunately I didn’t save it but I’m excited to red pill them, would appreciate the help. Thanks in advance

I knew they’d be trying every trick in the book but they’re DESPERATELY trying to crush the audit with wild claims, all the typical leftist shills have all been posting in unison on twitter, you know something is bad when twitter removed the trending topic all together. They are fucking panicking. They know they’ve been caught dead to rights,

I love this. I think the elections have been rigged since voting started, the fact that this is the first forensic audit should say something. They’ve never done one before because they’re all a part of the same big team, so when they lose they accept defeat because they know any snooping around will catch all the foul shit they’ve done too

This is why we’re on a precipice, this could go either way if not handled correctly, this is all so delicate, there’s no level they won’t stoop to

Watch the cognitive dissonance and denial seep into their egos and take control. Game over ya fucking wankers

Thank you

I can’t find a stream that doesn’t keep cutting out

Started on RSBN

Hackers ?