I've noticed that in the past couple of weeks, every time the resident speaks in front of people, he's always holding a microphone, even while standing behind a podium which has mics set up on it. He hasn't always done this, has he? Am I taking crazy pills?
I've been trying to distance myself a bit from the site, as I tend to get this way, a bit doomy, after spending too much time on here. Maybe it's the change in weather too- cloudy and wet.
I guess we all need breaks at times. If I didn't have God, I'd be totally lost.

Are they still trying to squeeze blood from a turnip or did they make it official and call it a day?

Is this to get us to second guess HODL? I never got an email about the extension, unless this is it and I am not understanding. Is a "tender offer" where they want us to cash in and sink it?

I sure don't want to jinx it!