Heavenly Father, we come to You today with prayers for Melania Trump’s mother and her beloved family and friends at this time of her passing. Lord, we ask that You take this cherished woman in Your loving arms and into Your mighty kingdom that she may spend an eternity in Your loving presence, free from all earthly infirmities and spiritual attacks, to experience Your joy and love for all time.

Father, comfort the Knavs and Trump families, all of Amalija Knavs relatives and dear friends, fill them with happy, loving and warm memories of times spent with her, of kind words exchanged, of laughter together, so they may feel the bond of love that transcends all time. Lord, ease their grief and fill their spirits with an understanding of Your grace in bringing these souls together on this earth, blessed with each other’s company and shared life experiences for a time.

Lord, we ask that You strengthen and comfort Amalija’s daughter, our nation’s beloved Melania Trump, Amalija’s grandson Barron and her son-in-law President Donald Trump, who have endured so very much hardship and attacks by the enemy for many years. Father, let this beloved family know that a grateful nation is praying for them as they bear up against this painful loss, for the ease of their grief, the comfort of their souls and for their hearts to be filled with joy and love in remembrance of their dear Amalija and all the wonderful times they spent together, all by the grace of You, almighty God.

Father, give them peace of mind. In Jesus’ loving name. Amen. 🙏✝️✨

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Knavs and Trump families at this time. 🙏✝️


For those not averse to opening a FoxNews link, take a look at the first still picture. This was as he’s saying “Go f#@k yourself!” - he has both arms outstretched, both hands in the same 6-6-6 configuration (thumb and pointer pinched together while the middle finger, ring finger and pinky are straight out).

Is he telling the DS/cabal to F#@k off (in addition to telling the marxist advertisers to do so)?

I’m not at all familiar with Mr Musk’s usual hand gestures so maybe this is a stretch, but, to me, it looks as if there’s perhaps a connection between the visual and the verbal. Your thoughts?


Netflix star diagnosed with brain cancer at age 31. (www.breitbart.com) 🚔 Crime & Medical Tyranny 💸
posted ago by Luminosity ago by Luminosity

I thought Q-Post #2131 was interesting, discussing major storms in the Atlantic (kind of like with hurricane Lee and the others currently) with POTUS urging everyone to prepare themselves and that “We are with you!”. Notice the [0:00] - kind of like when a countdown has completed. Have we reached “The Zero Hour”?

Just tracking the storms, tracking the deltas, finding interesting items to note.


“The Zero Hour”, from Merriam-Webster … “The hour at which a planned military operation is scheduled to start”









So I had to share my thoughts as I had another ray of hope, another sigh of relief in my circle of family and friends. I was talking to a beloved family member who I’d tried in the past, unsuccessfully, to dissuade from the jabs. She was, this time, going on about how so many people she knows are dying or sick and I added some of my stories (of people dying or becoming ill) to the mix. I took a deep breath, knowing I hadn’t had any success in the past with her about this, and - once again - said that “I truly believe this is due to those covid shots and boosters.” THIS TIME the response made my heart soar!

THIS TIME she went on about how she agrees, that she’s not ever getting another shot or booster and that she’s praying to God that she and others in her family who took them will be okay. She said how people were making money (said crooked politicians and investors) off pushing this while others are getting sick and dying. Gets better. …. She went on to complain that this country is screwed up, ridiculous things are happening and then said “We need Trump back in office!” and asked if I knew about what they’re trying to do to stop him. She wants to talk again, she had company there so we were limited in time. I can’t even tell you how relieved I am, how thankful to God for this.

What seemed to move the veil from her eyes is the sickness/death, the obvious financial conflicts-of-interest by those pushing this poison, the economy with prices skyrocketing, the obvious ludicrousness in government ‘policies’ and the blatant attacks on Trump by a rabid, corrupt DOJ.

Everyone goes at their own pace, but conditions may be ripe for you to try again with those you’ve been unsuccessful with in the past. My advice - Take it slow, don’t push, let them lead and, if the opportunity arises, try to interject a red pill. Don’t try to shove too many down their throats at once. Synch up, bond, add a pill or two if you can and then see if you can go for another red-pilling session in the near future. At least that’s my strategy. I also plan on using this interaction to help sway others “You know XX? Well, even they refuse to take another shot or booster! So many people she knows are dying.”

Thank You, Lord. Thank you, Q-team, Trump and all patriots standing firm and fighting, those helping each other by lifting spirits, spreading truth, shining the light into the darkness. We have a long way to go, but I’m praying daily for not only my beloved, but for all of our beloved family and friends and all good people here in the States and across the globe. Lord, thank You! 🙏✝️


I just happened to see this new post from anon u/Robertkolodin about the possible negation of the most recent - and perhaps most ridiculous - indictment against President Trump and the others…


That got me thinking that a potential strategy would be to have two of the other indictments whittled away and dismissed, one after the other. What this would (or at least might) do is to whip up the frenzy in the FNM as they screech about how “Trump is getting away with his crimes!!”, whipping their dwindling viewer base into a veritable frenzy (think of a pack of starving jackals locked in a cage with a glass-enclosed huge hunk of raw meat if you need a visual😏). Each dismissal would ramp up the level of frenzy coming from the demonic FNM talking heads, the sense of panic, the level of vitriol.

Now, what this would do is get everyone from the confused, vacuous, blue-haired, brainwashed progressive drones who are terrified of the mean orange man, to the die-hard, belligerent, brainwashed democrats who somehow think the Potatus gives a crap about them to the independents and moderate-to-rabid anti-Trump RINOs - in addition to the vast majority, the MAGA patriots - a whole lot of really strong desire to watch this trial. It would definitely be the trial of the century. Isn’t that exactly what the WH want? ALL eyes on the trial. ALL eyes seeing the disclosures taking place for themselves.

If you have one indictment and it fizzles out, then FNM can carp and grouse and slander, but if you have FOUR indictments then three then two then only one that actually takes the issue to trial, you’ve ramped up the interest to a crescendo.

Anyway, it’s just a theory on a possible strategy. Thoughts?


In looking at a recent GAW post it struck me that the logo/ profile picture for the 4th PSYOP Group resembles the sign language character for…





GAW Post - https://greatawakening.win/p/16c1q3nX9P/4th-psyop-group-tweeted-for-firs/c/