First, you need some sort of justification. You want the world to back you when you go in to commit genocide. Also, moar free gibs from USA would be great.

Next, you want to stage an "attack on Israel," but you don't REALLY want an attack on Israel. So, you find some expendable people who you can claim were attacked on Israeli soil.

A "free love" hippy group that Israelis don't really care much about would be a good target to be expendable.

So, you arrange to have this free love hippy group move their festival to a location right next to Gaza.

Then, you have a hang glider guy with a video camera swoop down and either (a) really shoot at the hippies, or (b) pretend to shoot at the hippies.

Make sure you have phone cameras on the ground, too, to capture all the fear of people either (a) being attacked, or (b) thinking they are being attacked, or (c) faking they think they are being attacked.

Also, you make sure to have the famouse "Iron Dome" and IDF stand down so that the attack can happen.

"Israel's 9/11" ... ideed.

A page right out of the FF playbook.

Still waiting for proof of the babies decapitated and all the other inflated allegations ...


A couple of years ago or so, and on a different website, I ran across a thread of people responding to someone who claimed (indirectly) to be a member of the Rothschild family.

It was a Q & A session, with some interesting nuggets of info/ideas from the "Roth" person.

I thought of it as a LARP, and I found several answers that were not true (but then, what should I expect from a known criminal organized crime family?).

But in the mix, I also found some interesting insights on life in general, and some plausible explanations for what [they] had in store for the future.

This was pre-Covid, BTW.

Anyway, a couple of the posts referenced US law that related to the Federal Reserve System.

There were 3 federal statutes, which "Roth" claimed that if one could understand the statute and combine it with other knowledge about the finanical system, could make a person rich OVERNIGHT.

The 3 statutes are:

31 USC 5116

Buying and Selling Gold and Silver


31 USC 5117

Transferring Gold and Gold Certficates


12 USC 411

Issuance to Reserve Banks; Nature of Obligation; Redemption


Anyone wanna take a crack at it?


Hundreds of former agents of the notorious Israeli spying organization, Unit 8200, have attained positions of influence in many of the world’s biggest tech companies, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ (IDF) Unit 8200 is infamous for surveilling the Palestinian population, amassing kompromat on individuals for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. Spying on the world’s rich and famous, Unit 8200 hit the headlines last year, after the Pegasus scandal broke. Former Unit 8200 officers designed and implemented software that spied on tens of thousands of politicians and likely aided in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

According to employment website LinkedIn, there are currently at least 99 former Unit 8200 veterans currently working for Google. This number almost certainly underestimates the scale of the collaboration between the two organizations, however. For one, this does not count former Google employees. Nor does it include those without a public LinkedIn account, or those who do have an account, but have not disclosed their previous affiliations with the high-tech Israeli surveillance unit. This is likely to be a considerable number, as agents are expressly prohibited from ever revealing their affiliation to Unit 8200. Thus, the figure of 99 only represents the number of current (or extremely recent) Google employees who are brazenly flouting Israeli military law by including the organization in their profiles.



We're shaking up Washington, D.C., and breaking the fever.

The only reason people think there's chaos in this town right now is because the special interests aren't in control anymore.

Seems cool as a cucumber.


Establishment Republicans are more worried about McCarthy being fired than they are about J6 defendants being mistreated and imprisoned.


Ever seen a SWAMP actually drained?

This Florida Man has. It’s not orderly.

Turns out, the alligators & snakes get unruly when the comfort of their habitat is disrupted.

Chaos doesn’t scare me. American decline does.

Our fight continues.

Thank you for having my back!



Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX allies secretly poured $50 million into ‘dark money’ groups, evidence shows

Former crypto king Sam Bankman-Fried and his associates donated $50 million during the 2022 election cycle toward politically active nonprofit groups that don’t disclose their donors

Groups linked to Senate leaders Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer, as well as other lawmakers, saw millions of dollars from Bankman-Fried and his allies

The documents give the first full look at Bankman-Fried and his allies’ contributions to so-called “dark money” organizations

Ryan Salame, who was the CEO of FTX’s digital markets division, donated millions of dollars to Republican political action committees and affiliated “dark money” groups with funds from FTX’s affiliated hedge fund, Alameda Research


So ...

Let's say Congress dishes out some free money to Ukraine.

Some Ukrainian "official" says, "Hey, we got some extra cash laying around, let's invest it!"

He invests it into a hedge fund.

Hedge fund is not really in the business of making money, but of laundering it. Is that why a Ukrainian bank was a key element of the Hunter Biden story?

That hedge fund (crypto or regular) "donates" some of its money (cuz it doesn't really care about profits) to NGO's, who are not required to disclose who their "donors" are (even if it is just one donor).

Then, those NGO's, have a list of people who donated to the NGO, and they use "mule donations" to politicians and/or their closely-associated Political Action Committees.

The "mules" are regular joes and janes who donated $5, but their name is used in hundreds or thousands of donations from the NGO to the politicians, amounting to thousands or millions of dollars.

As long as you have someone at the FEC looking the other way, you can launder tax money from Congress to foreign aid to investment firms to public charities and right back to the politicians who buy their re-elections with taxpayer money.

That is the SYSTEM they have put into place.

Even more effective if they can manipulate election machines and the people who are supposed to oversee elections.


Starting to make more sense ...


Trump-endorsed Jordan is the clear choice of grassroots conservatives. A top House GOP aide reported, “[Constituents] are literally melting the phone lines. Some offices’ numbers are permanently busy. Thousands and thousands of people are calling their members of Congress demanding Jordan for Speaker.”

Evidence unearthed by grassroots researchers in Scalise’s home state of Louisiana indicates that Scalise is has taken money from the FTX money laundering scandal.

The Former co-CEO of FTX, Ryan Salame, pled guilty early last month to “Conspiracy to Make Unlawful Political Contributions and Defraud the Federal Election Commission and Conspiracy to Operate an Unlicensed Money Transmitting Business.” Salame admitted that his job at FTX was to illegally funnel money to Republican politicians and political causes, while his co-conspirator, Sam Bankman-Fried, funneled money to Democrats.

As previously uncovered by The Gateway Pundit and the O’Keefe Media Group, donor mules are people whose identities are being used without their knowledge to launder large amounts of cash into campaign coffers of politicians. These fraudulent donations make it appear that these politicians have significant support from real people, when they are really being funded illegally by special interests. The donations are typically small, but frequent. The small amounts don’t arouse as much suspicion as large donations, but the total amount of cash from single individuals can add up to tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars. Follow-up investigations with the people whose identities are being stolen often reveal that they are average Americans who are really donating only small amounts to one or two candidates, but they are being credited with massive numbers of donations in the Federal Election Commission (FEC) records.

Steve Scalise’s FEC records indicate significant donor mule activity. For example, a retired woman from Marietta, Georgia is credited with donating to Scalise 98 times in a single day ...

There are many similar incidents in Scalise’s FEC records. Research continues on how much mule activity appears in the campaign accounts of the twenty-two holdouts preventing Jim Jordan from becoming speaker.



I would not be suprised if it goes something like this:

Congress/POTATO sends money to Ukraine/Israel >> uses money to "buy" consulting or other services >> money is used to buy crypto and/or other investments in hedge funds (offshore) >> funnels money into dark money pools >> funnels to front men (like FTX) >> funnels money to R's & D's who sent YOUR money as "foreign aid" in the first place.

Plus, a little off the top to buy some nice voting machines "for democracy!"


The Food and Drug Administration is proposing a ban on using formaldehyde as an ingredient in hair relaxers, a huge step in raising awareness about the potential harms such products create...

The FDA currently discourages consumers from using hair-straightening products that contain formaldehyde and similar ingredients...

Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas that’s used in a wide variety of household products, including medicines and cosmetics ... It’s highly toxic, and repeated exposure can irritate the eyes, skin, lungs and throat. It is also linked to certain cancers, including myeloid leukemia...

Even products that don’t contain formaldehyde as a main ingredient may contain other ingredients that, when heated, can be converted into formaldehyde, such as methylene glycol...

Some soaps, shampoos, lotions and cleaning products contain formalin, which is formaldehyde dissolved in water.


These are all products that can go ON your body or NEAR your body.

What about formaldehyde that are in vaccines that are injected INTO your body?

No mention of that.

Just more ammo for the psyop war counterattack against the non-thinking normies.


Israel has served as an escape route for some very nasty people. Israel will not extradite its citizens for any crime or for any reason -- including dual citizens. So, nasty people go there to escape justice.

But ...

Who would want to go there if a war is happening?

Just a thought.


About Hamas and Hezbollah

I cut my teeth on these two organizations. In fact, my thesis as a graduate student was written on the subject of Iranian backed militias globally - how they train, organize, fund, supply, etc. I did so as an employee of the US Government. I was in Ramallah in 2006 when Hamas ascended to power by means of a democratic vote over Fatah. There were two versions of my thesis, one made publicly available and one that was closed. My studies of Iran and the groups it develops made me admire Iran, even when I viewed the Iranians as enemies.

Back when I believed in the United States and the moral superiority of our cause, I ran all over the world on behalf of the American Empire. Seventy-eight countries and a prison term later, my positions have clearly changed. But that which I know about the groups has not.

The Israelis are lying.

It is not the nature of Hamas or Hezbollah to indiscriminantly kill hostages. These are not American-created ISIS or Al Qaeda, with no official state responsibilities. These are highly advanced, well oiled machines with a high level of discipline and political accumen.

That is not to say that hostages have not died in their care. They certainly have. But generally, hostages taken by Hezbollah and Hamas are often kept alive and reasonably comfortable because they become bargaining chips. Intelligence assets will be harmed - no doubt - as most are when captured. But these organizations are fairly adept at identifying who are the innocent civilians and who are the assets. Again, this is not the ham-fisted Boko Harem - another American created entity designed to undermine Nigerian stability (another country within which I worked) that "justifies" a need for AFRICOM.

Contrary to Jewish sadomasochistic pornographic fantasies, Israeli females will not be raped by male prison guards. They will be remanded to Palestinian women who may be harsh, but will not rape the women. The male prisoners will be handled according to their fighting capacity, with older hostages likely to receive basic care in accordance with Islamic law. Whereas many of the same charges levied against Hamas and Hezbollah were claimed as "Nazi" atrocities in the past, just as they were lies in 1945, so too will those be lies in 2023.

The bottom line is that Hamas and Hezbollah have very clear, geopolitical and religious goals. Iran has a very clear geopolitical and religious goal. The geographic state of Israel is not merely a problem for those entities because it occupies disputed ground. The Israelis have created a great deal of unrest, political turmoil, terror, and physical harm to their neighbors for decades. They cry out while they strike you - an experience that the region knows all too well. The Jewish occupiers are not to be trusted, especially when you understand that the American media is dominated by fellow leftist Talmudic Jews.

One final note - nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything is interrelated as it pertains to international affairs. The fact that Jewish-led Ukraine and geographic Israel are now under assault is a manifestation of a rapidly collapsing United States. Jews created antifa... Jews created BLM... Jews created an open border... Jews vehemently assaulted Whites through various political and social programs... Jews attacked and destroyed the MAGA movement designed to restore American power... Jews continue to lead every single program that demoralizes, demonizes, and weakens the United States. Now that they got their wish, their people are under assault around the world.

It is not a matter of "if" but "when" Jews will reap that which they have sown in the United States. The Hamas attack is just the canary in the coal mine. Something is coming and you can feel a coalescing of hardening anti-Jewish animus. Such animus is well earned.



I took a look at the US national debt.


I used a stop watch to time how long it took to add $1,000,000 to the national debt.

31 seconds.

That is $2,000,000 added to the national debt every minute.

$120 million every hour.

$1.4 billion every day.

$500 billion every year -- and that is JUST the interest on the debt. It does not factor in ADDITIONAL SPENDING beyond that.

And with the higher interest rates ... it is accelerating.

McCarthy made a "deal" to eliminate the debt ceiling, which means no more need to get "approval" (i.e. rubber stamp) to spend unlimited money.



Zelensky’s wife reportedly spent $1,100,000 on a shopping trip in NYC while visiting the United States together with her husband to shore up continued support from Washington.

During the visit, Zelensky gave his first in-person address to the UN General Assembly, met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill, and also visited the White house. While Zelensky was blitzing Washington in urgent effort to bolster support for Ukraine, his wife Olena Zelenska was spotted on Fifth Avenue in NYC.


"The Nation" is a leftist rag, but interesting story.


After injecting millions of people with unknown and potentially harmful substances without any shred of critical thinking, after demanding face diapers on everyone despite clear statments on some of the boxes they came in that such face diapers were entirely ineffective, after virtue signalling and creating dance videos about how "heroic" they were ... nurses and other health care "professionals" are on STRIKE.

They are "fed up" with understaffing.

Gee ... firing people for not going along with the tyrants' orders just might lead to fewer people able to do jobs, thus leading to understaffing.

Are these people capable of putting two and two together to figure out their own ignorance?



Quisling: A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country.

Let's make this go viral!


I won't post any links, so research yourself if you want.

But it looks like the head of the House of Commons in Canada is apologizing for recognizing the "Nazi" in the House.

Jews did not like it, so he is bowing down.

But the story is weird.

He was born in Poland and joined the German army.

After the war, he moved to Canada, where he lives today.

OK, but why was he invited to the House of Commons when Zelensky was there, in the first place?

One story said he had somehow helped in the Ukraine war against Russia.

But what could this 98-year old man have done to help?

He was INVITED to come to the House of Commons, and was recognized by the head (Speaker?).

He was given a STANDING OVATION.


Oops ... afterwards, the jews railed against this "Nazi" being recognized by parliament.

So, now the puppet is apologizing to his puppetmasters.

But still ... what did he DO that would cause him to be invited there in the first place?



On September 17, 1787, the American founding fathers signed the Constitution for the United States of America.

When asked, "What do we have, Mr. Franklin?" Ben Franklin replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."

The American people have been derelict in their duty over the past decades and centuries, and have not kept it, which is why the chaos exists today.

Dedicate some time today to read through the main body (Preamble through the signature block), and remember what we are supposed to keep.


I made a couple of posts in this thread: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9N3bUij/we-will-never-forget--we-will-ne/c/

... that I thought were worth further consideration in a new thread.

Flight 11 hits WTC1


Flight 175 hits WTC2

1+7+5 = 13

11, 13

Flight 77 hits The Pentagon

7+7 = 14 = 1+4 = 5

5, 11, 13

Flight 93 crashes in Pennsylvania

9+3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

3, 5, 11, 13

Building 7 falls


3, 5, 7, 11, 13

On 9/11/01

9, 11, 1

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 with an extra 11

Why the extra 11?

11 = Twin Towers

The only structures completely destroyed.

What are the odds this was random coincidence?


^ Thinking about it some more ... THIS IS FUCKING BIZARRE!

Take all those numbers and convert them to their corresponding alphabet numbers.

1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 11, 13 =

A, C, E, G, I, K, K, M

What does it spell?


What is "KEK?"

I use it all the time, in place of LOL.

But does it REALLY mean something ELSE?

Turns out ... IT DOES.

Kek (mythology) is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness in the ancient Egyptian Ogdoad cosmogony of Hermopolis.

The Ogdoad consisted of four pairs of deities, four male gods paired with their female counterparts. Kek's female counterpart was Kauket. Kek and Kauket in some aspects also represent night and day, and were called "raiser up of the light" and the "raiser up of the night", respectively

The name is written as kk or kkwy with a variant of the sky hieroglyph in ligature with the staff (N2) associated with the word for "darkness" kkw


Well ... nobody ever told me THAT!

Kek is a pagan diety.

I guess I won't be using that anymore.



[They] don't want anyone living out in the country, independent, because such people cannot be controlled.




Time for more people to learn some lessons about reality.


The Fake Indictments and lawsuits against me, 8 of them, all come out of the Biden Campaign for purposes of Election Interference. This is their new way of Rigging the Election, and it won’t hold up. The Fascists & Marxists are destroying our once great Country but, WE WILL WIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!


  • Trump says these are FAKE indictments and lawsuits.
  • Trump says these are from Biden CAMPAIGN, and done for election interference.
  • Trump says this is election rigging.

Trump created an Executive Order against election interference, and it feels like the tables will be turned on these corrupt prosecutors and judges when it is determined that these cases all had ZERO basis in law (just like the false pretenses used for the SpyGate actions of the FBI/DOJ/Courts).

If these cases have no basis in law, and they are done for the purpose of election interference and rigging, then those individuals involved will be the ones prosecuted criminally, not Trump.


Go woke, go broke, and put libtards in charge to watch your stores get looted on a daily basis.

Stock price will be near yearly low at market open today.

“Our Q2 profitability was short of our expectations due in large part to the impact of elevated inventory shrink [i.e. STORE THEFT], an increasingly serious issue impacting many retailers,” CEO Lauren Hobart said in a news release.

The reference to shrink [i.e. STORE THEFT] is the first that Dick’s has made in an earnings call or press release in nearly 20 years ...

We expect it [STORE THEFT] could even get a little bit worse. We’ve taken a little bit bigger reserve for that in the second half of the year. Just because what we see going on with organized retail crime, grab and go’s,”


Couldn't happen to a more piece-of-shit company.


Don't know where she found this, but it seems spot on.



Gotta love Trump's trolling of the NWO criminals.

They have Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, etc.

So, he has Agenda 47.

Good list of things he wants to do with the next administration.

If you have missed it.


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