MAGA4ETERNITY 0 points ago +1 / -1

As I shared, it was a TEST just like my post said. No, I don't have proof, I am at work and don't have my phone at the ready to take a picture. Others confirmed. I'm not saying this is the start of everything. It's become apparent the past 48-72 hours we have been participating in a LARP. Hope I'm wrong.

MAGA4ETERNITY 1 point ago +1 / -0

To be fair, I don't have much info on this video...yet. I think it may be an old speech as he alluded to Pelosi's "praying" comments and BS. I found it on an astrologer's page that I follow. He's had very interesting insight over the years. https://www.facebook.com/100001879845734/posts/4966875516718394/

MAGA4ETERNITY 6 points ago +6 / -0

“He is not a Trumpster,” the stepfather said. “Not a MAGA (Make America Great Again) person.” “We’re totally flabbergasted as to the charges,” he said.

The biological father of the 25-year-old told the Detroit Free Press that he believes his son was there to protest against the Trump supporters.**** His son had participated in Black Lives Matter causes and was interested in fighting for social justice.****

Hanselman said he was “shocked” to learn his stepson had a firearm with him.

Hanselman is a disabled veteran and served in Iraq in 2008. He has a strong view of Trump’s presidency.