Legal Insurrection has a free online webinar on Wednesday that looks very worthwhile:
In this online event, president and founder of the Legal Insurrection Foundation (LIF), Professor William Jacobson, and Kemberlee Kaye, Operations and Editorial Director for LIF, and managing editor of discuss the problem, the landscape, what Trump’s actions mean, and what work remains.
I am very sorry to say I live in the stupidest country in the Anglosphere, if not in the Western world:
For the Lady Melania watchers:
What will she wear for the inauguration?
Her 2017 powder blue suit with the envelope collar was exquisite of course.
What is your all-time favorite of her outfits?
A few ones I love:
This is delicious.
I have been thinking for awhile that Jones is either a sleeper, or will wake up and join MAGA:
I love this comment on American Thinker:
"It's impossible to express how happy I am this morning that Trump won. This is a monumental Godly event that has changed the world. The Hand of God turned Trump's head from the assassin's bullet, and led people of faith to bring the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate with the popular vote back under control of the people who prayed in earnest for God's urgent intervention to save this country, and maybe the world. Thank you God."
Her husband Brian O'Shea is MAGA.
Regarding her appearances on War Room, it was Bannon who reached out to her initially for an interview.
Did DJT and his team realise the fix was in for 2020, and that it would prevail?
I sense a rumbling in the distance frens. HR consultants have adopted a new term, "Professional Anonymous Networks"
This might be better known to anons as "open source intelligence" (kek kek kek)
Money quotes:
What could be the death of everything from established media to career counselors is this: the professional anonymous network. They include Blind, Glassdoor, Reddit and Fishbowl.
Their power is growing. Their strength is that those commenting on a situation are experienced in the subject matter, objective and caring. All this is provided free.
This development marks a MAJOR cultural shift, frogs. Don't underestimate it!
After all, not long ago we were told that only crazy conspiracy theorists post things anonymously online (kekkity kek).
This must be SOOOOOOO confusing for the SJWs and NPCs!
God bless Anthony Constantino:
Many of Ireland's left-wing establishment are nouveau riche (not necessarily "rich," but certainly affluent by American standards). Their hatred of indigenous working-class Irish people seems to know no bounds.
It is very similar to the hatred that the American leftist establishmemt (and their useful idiots) have for ordinary working Americans.
You can see at Reddit how programmed so many of the young Irish people are. Many of them are children of affluent parents (they will inherit), and themselves have high-paying white-collar jobs, so they will not be impacted personally by the economic and cultural destruction of the Irish nation.
I don't know what to think about this one:
Frens - what is the mood of the normies you know at the moment? I have been out in the wild only twice since July 13, both times with normies.
DAY ONE: I spent a long day with a vaxxed friend with TDS, who doesn't know anything about my beliefs. Not once did she mention DJT, July 13, or the election. My interpretation (and I am speculating) - she wishes they had succeeded but is too diplomatic to say this out loud.
DAY TWO: I spent another long day with a vaxxed friend who knows where I stand politically, but claims to "not be political." He snapped at me when I mentioned DJT over coffee and, when I described myself as a "Trump woman," proceeded to have a hissy fit. Later in the day I mentioned how I was treated because I was unvaxxed, and had loved ones murdered by the bioweapon. His response? "That's all over now!" (as in nothing to see here).
Both stories are anecdotal, however, it feels to me like the normies have made ZERO PROGRESS in waking up.
Any field reports frens?
Unhinged tyrants inflicting property damage on a Long Island street.
The patriots are now hanging their flags and banners from upstairs windows!
This case is an extremely interesting development for the following reasons:
Apparently a "leading law firm" is representing the plaintiff
Plaintiff is a normie who had his life ripped apart - not a political man
This horrific crime ripped through the heart of rural "middle Ireland" - ergo mainstream reporting on this defamation case WILL reach the normies. Even if the lapdog media ignores or buries it, people in rural Ireland TALK to each other.
Plaintiff's victim impact statement raised MANY of the important questions about Ireland's mass immigration policy
I will be watching this case - and the reporting it receives - with GREAT interest
The plantation will continue until the replacement is complete.
Filmed earlier this week at the "Coolock Says No" protest. Newly elected Councillor Patrick Quinlan of Fingal County Council & the gardai (Irish police).
Why so much hostility toward Paddy from the guards?
Was it guilty consciences reacting to the ringing out of truth?
Paddy is one of a handful of pro-Irish candidates who bravely stood in the June local elections. Given the onslaught of propaganda and corruption in Ireland, that Paddy was elected is nothing short of a miracle.
He is the first member of the National Party to be elected to office.
Naomi Wolf's transformation over recent years is fascinating and gratifying to watch.
Earlier today the Yale-educated Wolf, a former Rhodes Scholar and former left-wing establishment figure, tweeted:
"I got invited to two A-List film screenings in NYC this week by people to whom I have been anathema for three years. Trump is going to win."
IIRC, she did not vote for DJT in 2016 or 2020.
Wolf's marriage to security expert Brian O'Shea, an Irish-American Trump man, seems to have had a profound impact on her worldview.
This icon of Third Wave feminism has emerged in recent years as an independent thinker and, in this battle for public opinion, one of the most crucial public figures in MAGA.
He is looking better and better:
Protests kicking off again here in Ireland. Mostly peaceful: